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2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品

https://m.biud.com.cn 2012年04月25日14:43 家居装修知识网  
2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品

  Monica Armani,1964年出生于Trento,建筑师,属唯理论派。在事业发展的前十年,她与父亲的工作室在其国内外的大型项目上进行合作。在受教育期间,她便形成了自己关于“家”的概念:去除任何夸张的标识,受几何图形启发而形成的空间。Monica Armani追求一种以外观与实用性的精确平衡为基础的建筑风格,强调每个空间都有其特定的功能。1988年她推出首个设计系列。该怎样形容她的创作呢?精细而慎重、却犀利如刀,摒除一切多余的装饰。是一种理念历经持续蜕变而逐步演变、沉稳前进的体现。创新的方式、鲜明的风格以及独特的沟通方式让Monica Armani成为意大利设计界的新星之一。

  MONICA ARMANI was born in Trento in 1964. After graduating in architecture, she started working at the practice of his father Marcello Armani, an extraordinary and prolific rationalist architect, while making stages and collaborations abroad to enrich her working experience with international cooperations.  In 1996 Monica and her husband Luca Dallabetta established the brand Monica Armani with the first furniture collections especially oriented to the contract segment and in 2000 they set up their own company. Later the entrepreneural and planning experience led them to work with the most renowned firms in the design sector. At that time Progetto 1 met with great success, a self-produced line of tables in several sizes marked by a pure design and strong innovative contents, that helped  the brand Monica Armani to make a name for itself on the scene of contemporary design. Then came some considerable international supplies ad hoc designed for museums and galleries like the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Museum of Science in London or the Museum Het Valkhof in Nijmegen, Holland. Progetto 1 started a trend followed by many firms afterwards and still fashionable nowadays: a timeless system. In 2005 the project was transfered to B&B Italia, to meet a stronger and stronger need to explore and cover all fields of planning. Monica Armani’s designs are carried out by some of the most renowned companies in the industry: B&B Italia, Boffi, Davide Groppi, Gallotti & Radice, Lualdi, Molteni&C, Moroso, Mutina and Poliform, among others. Besides dealing with industrial design,  Studio Monica Armani has followed architecture projects, renewal and interior decoration of hotels, private residences, fair stands and retail shops, marked by a masterly and original use of light and the invention of striking spacialities, including the important cooperation with the department store Coin (piazza 5 Giornate, Milan), where her installation-ceiling Clouds features a source of light formed by a number of “clouds”, luminous volumes that change colour. In 2011 she takes part to Jean Nouvel project for the renovation and transformation of the former cinema Excelsior in department store, downtown Milan, Studio Monica Armani invents a place: the seven stories of the building turn into one space system.

2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品
2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品
2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品
2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品
2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品
2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品
2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品
2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品


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本文来自 家居装修知识网 2012米兰设计周 Monica Armani精彩设计作品 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-120919.html