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2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品

https://m.biud.com.cn 2012年04月25日14:46 家居装修知识网  
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品

  欧蒂娜·戴克(ODILE DECQ)1955年出生于法国拉瓦尔,1996年荣获威尼斯建筑双年展最高奖“金狮奖”,其中B·P·O获10项法国国家及国际建筑奖。Decq女士的设计作品在国际性建筑杂志广泛发表,同时她还在美国哥伦比亚大学等学校短期任教,是法国当代最有影响的女建筑师。ODILE DECQ前卫的建筑理念和建筑风格,和对事业的执著精神使她在世界建筑领域有着重要的地位,并成为世界女性建筑师的代表人物之一。

  ODILE DECQ, was born at Laval, France in 1955, and graduated in architecture at U.P.6 in Paris in 1978. In 1979 she followed a course at the Institute of Political Studies to specialize in town planning. That same year she opened her own practice with  Benoît Cornette. In 1990 they designed their first significant work, the Headquarters of the Banque Populaire de l’Ouest in Rennes, a building that won many prizes and gave them international fame. They took part in many public competitions and received several accolades. So they were entrusted to plan the viaduct and motorway of Nanterre, the Centre National Aménagement Structure Exploitations Agricoles in Limoge, the stand of the stadium of Orléans, the faculty of Economic Sciences and the Library of Nantes, the harbor of Gennevilliers along the Seine. Their studies were crowned with the Leone d’oro at the Venice Biennial of Architecture in 1996. In 1998 they won the competition for the construction of the third harbour of the city of Rotterdam. After the tragic death of  Benoît Cornette in 1998, Odile Decq had to run the  Studio ODBC alone. Her profile on the international scene was further consolidated by the success obtained with the carrying out of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, the Macro, opened in May 2010. Her recent works include the study for a third City Bridge in Rotterdam, a 44 m sailing boat for Wally, the study of three experimental glass villas at Carantec (France), the Art Hôtel in Beijing (China), the restaurant of the Opéra Garnier in Paris, the Frac Museum in Rennes, Brittany, that is going to open next June and the Geological Museum in Tangshan, Nanjing, China, that should be completed by 2014. As from the year 2000, when she won the competition for the interior design of the Paris-based Unesco, ODBC has increased its activity in the field of design. At the same time Odile Decq started in on teaching. She’s the principal of the École Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris and visiting professor in several foreign universities including the prestigious Columbia University in New York. She was appointed Commandeur des Arts et Lettres in 2001, member of the Académie Française d’Architecture, Chevalier Legion d’Honneur in 2003, Honorary International Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA, London UK in 2007, Honorary member of the National Society of Architects and Officer of the “Ordre du Mérite”, Paris, in 2012. The inauguration of Frac in Rennes will be in July.



2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品
2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品


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本文来自 家居装修知识网 2012米兰设计周 法国女设计师欧蒂娜戴克作品 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-120922.html