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凯丽·赫本:出其客户想象 创造独特设计风格

https://m.biud.com.cn 2012年09月24日00:37 家居装修知识网  
英国顶级室内设计师 凯丽•赫本
英国顶级室内设计师 凯丽•赫本





  有关设计 Design


  【凯丽·赫本】 商业价值和艺术价值这两者并不互相矛盾,如果一件艺术作品为人们所欣赏,金钱可以作为体现其艺术价值的形式之一。作为一名设计师,如果服务于客户的话,我认为为客户设计出其自己想要的空间很重要。对商业设计项目来说也是同样。我会同样看重色彩,构造,质地和采用物体的平衡掌握,怎样将不同元素融入进设计并创造出自己独特的风格,以及对于不同年代,文化和风格元素的均衡整合。

  (They are not mutually exclusive - if a design work is appreciated by people, money could be one of the ways to reflect its value. As a designer if you work for a client, I think it’s essential to work hard to give people the home they want. The same goes for commercial projects. I still look at the balance of colour, fabric, texture and objects regardless of its purpose. I love incorporating elements from different cultures within the setting and the blending of eras, cultures and styles to create a great design.)



  (Your design could be influenced by local conditions, you have to make the environment, materials and people living there work together to create a balance and I love that. I personally enjoy travelling as well. Global travel has had an extraordinary impact on all of our lives, and nowhere is this more evident than in the arenas of fashion and design.)


  【凯丽·赫本】我认为在东方设计中你更可以感受到一种简约和韵律, 而西方的设计更趋向于一种自我表达和展现现代主义。我热忱与融合东西方元素来设计出简约现代而又韵味丰富的作品。在我的设计生涯中我一直都深受东方文化影响。

  (I feel a greater sense of simplicity and order within Eastern design, but Western design tends to be more self-expressive and have a more contemporary style. I enjoy combining the East and West styles to create a look which is simple yet opulent. I have always been inspired by the East throughout my design career.)



  (My father worked in the fashion industry and my mother was a professional business woman and naturally they both had an influence on me as a kid. I was always passionate about design and I had it in mind since I was very young that I wanted to design. Even though it was not easy to build up my own business, I’m happy that I didn’t give up. I think the hardest thing at the beginning was to get my client’s to trust me and my vision. )




  我同时也对时装设计很感兴趣,我与Earth Couture合作生产了一系列有机服饰,都是由天然柔软而富有弹性的有机纤维制成。对于一个设计师来说,将对奢华美学的理念应用进不同的设计领域很具挑战性。

  (My home is a typical British house; I decorated it in a modern way and made it as comfortableand cosy as I could. It is very sleek, monochrome and glossy. I’ve used a lot of black wood and neutral colours and have gone for concealed lighting. I’m interested in fashion design as well, I have my own clothing collection for Earth Couture, made with soft and stretchy organic fabrics. For a designer it’s challenging but fun to apply luxury aesthetics across different design areas. )



  (My own life is extremely hectic! I adore my work but it is also very important to have family time and my family are incredibly precious to me. I love going away at the weekends to my house in the Cotswolds where we can all relax and socialise together around a delicious meal.)



  (I enjoy what I’m doing and appreciate what I have in my life. My close friends would probably describe me as quite an easy-going person, but I do take my work very seriously when I’m very focused on a design project, I can often work all day in my studio without taking a break. I love it that much!)

  关于奥运 Olympics



  (I’m really proud of being a Londoner, especially with all these amazing events happening in the UK this year. I think London has fully prepared itself to welcome guests from all around the world and I am very proud to be living here. It is also fantastic that areas which were once under developed have now been completely regenerated, giving a new lease of life.)


  【凯丽·赫本】体操,排球,赛跑和跳水。(Gymnastics, volleyball, running and diving)


  【凯丽·赫本】居住在伦敦真的很棒,这个城市总是会不断带给你惊喜。这里是如此的多元化我弄不会感到厌倦。我喜欢去Portotbello路的The Electric, 酒吧,餐馆和电影院那里都有!伦敦有众多的美术馆和博物馆,我会建议人们来游览一下我最喜爱的泰特现代博物馆(Tate Modern)。同时还值得推荐的有,伦敦市内各大大小小的公园,周天去哥伦比亚路的花市转转,诺丁山的波多贝罗市集… 太多好玩儿的啦!

  (Living in London is really amazing, there are always so many things going on. I never get tired of the life here as it is such a diverse place. I love going to The Electric on Portobello Road which is a bar, restaurant and cinema! There are so many galleries and museums; I would recommend visiting the Tate as it is my favourite. Also, I would tell them to visit the beautiful green parks that London has to offer, go to the flower market on Columbia Road on a Sunday, visit Portobello market in Notting Hill... There is so much!)



  (The Olympic stadium is a sunken bowl built into the ground with a cable-supported fabric membrane roof, so spectators can clearly see the events. I find the seat design very interesting. The black and white design picked out in the stadium's seating is based on the jagged shards that feature in the design of the London 2012 graphics and logo and also seen on the reverse of the medals.)



  (The government has taken a series of measures to make sure all the Olympic facilities will be well utilised after the games. A bid to turn the Olympic Stadium in London in to a Formula 1 venue has now been officially accepted for consideration by officials. I’m very confident about the 2012 London Olympics and what will happen to the venues afterwards.)


凯丽·赫本:出其客户想象 创造独特设计风格
就要家的感觉 凯丽赫本的英国顶级私宅
就要家的感觉 凯丽赫本的英国顶级私宅(图)
就要家的感觉 设计师凯丽赫本顶级私宅(组图)
顶级室内设计师凯丽·赫本 黑白简约家
顶级室内设计师凯丽・赫本 黑白简约家
就要家的感觉 天才设计师凯丽赫本的顶级私宅
家的感觉 设计师凯丽赫本的顶级私宅(图)
就要家的感觉 天才设计师凯丽赫本顶级私宅(图)

本文来自 家居装修知识网 凯丽·赫本:出其客户想象 创造独特设计风格 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-165477.html