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设计公园2020 设计创产交易合作网项目展示

https://m.biud.com.cn 2012年11月21日22:30 家居装修知识网  
设计公园2020 设计创产交易合作网项目展示
设计公园2020 设计创产交易合作网项目展示




  About CCIA

  Created in China Industrial Alliance (CCIA) is a cross-industrial organization. It is founded by the Pacific Society of China, Capital Corporate Culture Institute, and Beijing Info-space Cultural Economy Institute on May 22nd, 2004, during the 7th Beijing SCITEC. CCIA declared the famous slogan of “from made in China to created in China”. CCIA is engaged in researching and practicing the original theory of creative industries. CCIA has constructed a international creative industry platform since recent years. CCIA also provide consulting and design services about creative industries district construction, district image design, industrial and space strategy planning for city, corporate and industries. Now CCIA is cooperating with John Howkins CRECO (Creative Ecology) Lab to motivate the “Design Park 2020: Design and Creative Assets Transaction Alliance Project(DATA)”





  The Design Park 2020-Design and Creative Assets Transaction Alliance Project(DATA)

  The Design Park 2020-Design and Creative Assets Transaction Alliance Project(DATA) is a mass design industry cooperation transaction system which initiated by Mr. John Howkins (father of creative economy) and CCIA with efforts of 8 years. With the modular of cultural assets creative development and a series of transaction arrangements to promote design transactions, combine all fields of design industries and government industrial projects. Make the creative design industries play the leading role of iindustrial structure upgrading in agriculture, industry, services, information and cultural industries. During this event, achievements after the project was first declared in 2009 Beijing World Design Conference will be exhibited, in order to attract more social participations.





设计公园2020 设计创产交易合作网项目展示
2016中国设计创想论坛6月登陆上海 5月中旬将预报名
和美设计 创艺生活--卡萨帝艺术工作室
设计创未来 国瓷推出 鹰牌陶瓷再现强势布局
设计创未来 鹰牌陶瓷2013经销商会议隆重召开

本文来自 家居装修知识网 设计公园2020 设计创产交易合作网项目展示 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-186249.html