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2012北京国际设计周 亮点低像素展

https://m.biud.com.cn 2012年11月21日22:33 家居装修知识网  
2012北京国际设计周 亮点低像素展
2012北京国际设计周 亮点低像素展


2012北京国际设计周 亮点低像素展
 2012北京国际设计周 亮点低像素展
2012北京国际设计周 亮点低像素展
 2012北京国际设计周 亮点低像素展

  Located in Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District, and newly renovated from a building formerly occupied by Beijing Second Computer Factory, Liang Dian Design Center (LDDC) is a rising Beijing landmark devoted to the development of cultural and creative industries.

  Since preparatory stage of LDDC, we have been witnessing Beijing’s design community thriving in both quantity and quality. A proliferation of rising designers is in need of a bigger stage where they can show their talents.

  We hold design exhibition, salons, workshops and offer training programs on a regular basis, and will devote ourselves to promoting Chinese designs and introducing international creativity. We hope to let the public know, understand design, and in turn to improve the recognition of Chinese design domestically and internationally. Our long-term goal is to bring together organisations devoted to the development of the creative industry, to become a platform for different industries to exchange ideas, and a stage for international creative communication. We hope to act as a bridge that connects cultural, creative and philosophical communities to science, business and economy.



2012北京国际设计周 亮点低像素展
2012北京国际设计周 “化”装饰吊挂展
2012北京国际设计周 “作业”央美七人作品展
2012北京国际设计周 PICCHIOTTI高级珠宝展
2012北京国际设计周 “十二间”公益设计展
2012北京国际设计周 751国际设计节

本文来自 家居装修知识网 2012北京国际设计周 亮点低像素展 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-186252.html