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https://m.biud.com.cn 2012年11月21日22:39 家居装修知识网  



  活动时间:2012. 9. 21-9. 23 15:00-16:00




  Prototype Workshop will be a 10-day party for hackers and creators. Thirty artists, designers and engineers will gather at the party, to create and realize their ideas with a prototype. The format can be a piece or hardware, APP, creative product or art installation etc.



  Butter Youth Conference

  活动时间:2012. 9. 29 14:00-17:00




  Butter Youth Conference is a platform organized by Open Youth logy, where young people can share their ideas. It happens on a monthly schedule. Different young speakers are invited to speak about their stories, dreams, passion, on-going project and reflections in life. It’s a platform for young people to make a voice and inspire others on critical thinking and realizing hteir dreams.


  北京创客空间—TED x Dashilar

  活动时间:2012. 10. 6 14:00-17:30



  TED x Dashilar是一个独立的TED活动,由北京创客空间、TED x RUC以及一些其它TED组织共同筹办。他们以开放融合为核心理念,聚集来自科技、艺术、设计、学术等各个社区领域的创意人士,在秉承大栅栏历史传统的基础上,通过对大栅栏旧社区中新设计新空间的研究,由倾听、思考到接纳,让不同的社区在人们在彼此的创新池中,寻找激活自身的源头活水来。

  TEDxDashilar is an independent TED event, organized by Beijing Hacker Space, TEDxRUC and other TED organizers. It’s open to wild ideas and would love to learn about the Dashilar history and Dashila(b) project on how to reinvigorate and bring organic growth to the area. Creatives from science, art, design and academic backgrounds will come to listen and reflect upon the stories and get inspired from the idea pool.



  How to generate an urban evolution?

  活动时间:2012. 9. 28 15:00-16:00



  Luis Aguirre, Giannantonio Bongiorno和Eugenia Muriald将介绍研究项目Hutopolis以及展览“City Visions(城市视界)”。这个项目是一个合作网络,结合不同领域的设计方案,展览期间将呈现一系列针对北京四块历史/现代区域的项目,他们为激烈的亚洲城市发展提供可能的解决方案。这些区域的共性是有持续不断的拆迁和建设过程,生活质量和保护问题被放在一边。密度、绿化、社会和交通是此次中欧合作项目讨论的焦点问题。Hutopolis是由Giannantonio Bongiorno 与AQSO建筑事务所发起的项目,Eugenia Murialdo以及来自清华大学、米兰理工大学、热那亚大学、瓦拉多利德大学以及Strelka学院的研究人员、学生、建筑师共同参加了这个项目的研究。


  Luis Aguirre, Giannantonio Bongiorno and Eugenia Murialdo will introduce the research program Hutopolis and the exhibition "City visions". Conceived as a collaborative network featuring a series of proposals from different backgrounds, the exhibition showcases projects based on four sites in both historical and modern areas of Beijing. The projects envision solutions to the problems provoked by the radical urban development in Asia: this context characterized by a continuous process of destruction and construction leaves unanswered questions related to quality of life in the new settlements and issues related to preservation. Density, Green, Social and Transportation have been the focus of the projects developed together with European and Chinese Institutions. Hutopolis is an initiative of Giannantonio Bongiorno and “AQSO arquitectos office”, together with Eugenia Murialdo and a wide team of researchers, students and architects from Tsinghua University, Politecnico di Milano, University of Genoa, University of Valladolid, and University of Valencia and with the support of Strelka Institute. www.hutopolis.info


  3. 中国后街


  活动时间:2012. 9. 28 15:00-16:00

  活动地址:Factory Auditorium

  主办方:九州生气 JZSQ


  Backstreet is a special street form with its own life span that varies from several weeks to a decade. Compared with the streets with a long history, backstreet is a forgotten corner buried in the process of urban expansion and modernization. It evolves in no specific order, with endless energy. When it reaches a peak, everything will be pushed down in a cruel and simple way. JZSQ has been focused on backstreets since 2009. Most of the team members live in these streets themselves. JZSQ launched the “Backstreet Project” project in the end of 2010, with a research point of view to explore the special “backstreet” form in Chinese cities. At Beijing Design Week, their research results about backstreet will be open to the public for the first time.


  4. 一个念头就是一个小宇宙

  Each idea is a micro universe

  Jue.so相信一个念头就是一个小宇宙。在北京设计周期间,Jue.so将邀请知名创作人为大家讲述作品形成过程中的心得。首先,作为一个全新的创意设计项目孵化平台,Jue.so邀请其 CEO宦晶羽先生就本地创意产业的市场化方面,为大家讲述如何利用互联网众酬的方式来解决中国设计普遍面临的市场化难题,将传统的B2C模式转化为D2C,让每个设计师站到舞台上,直面客户。 另一场演讲由原创设计品牌THEN的团队设计总监谢磊为大家奉上,红木优盘作为该品牌新近推出的系列设计品,倡导的平衡,自然,包容的生活态度。届时,设计总监谢磊将回顾整个开发过程,分享此系列的创作思路及设计体会。

  Each idea is a micro universe

  Jue.so believe that an idea show an universe. During BJDW, Jue would invite famous designers to show their making process and products. As a platform that creative ideas comprised, CEO of Jue so Huan Jingyu will be invited to share the story of Jue.so and how it uses the internet to gather resources and help Chinese designs to go to the market. It stands out in the traditional dealer to consumer model, and gives every designer a stage to face the customers directly. The other talk was contributed by THEN, a design brand under design team THENCREATIVE. It aims to create daily products that embrace balance, nature and tolerance. Mahogany Flash Drive series is a recent work by THEN. Xie Lei, Design Director of THENCREATIVE will reflect on the development process of the flash disk and share his inspirations, experience and thinking with the public.

  一个念头就是一个小宇宙 之 关于本土设计的市场化

  Each idea is a micro universe-Local Design to the Market


  Speaker:Xie Lei, Design Director of THENCREATIVE

  活动时间:2012. 9. 29 15:00

  一个念头就是一个小宇宙 之 THEN 红木优盘系列

  Each idea is a micro universe-The Development of Mahogany Flash Drive


  Speaker: Huan Jingyu CEO of Jue.so

  活动时间:2012. 10. 5 15:00


  主办方: Jue.so

  Address: No. 23 Tan’er Hutong



  活动时间:2012. 9. 29 15:00-18:00 , 14:30 Meet at 14:30






  *METROBAGS由张牧遥与Markus M Schneider设计,在北京当地家庭工作坊制造。

  * Join us for the opening of the METROBAGS POP-UP STORE, amplified with electronic music from Beijing, curated by METROWAVES and a couple of free drinks. * METROBAGS is an edition of affordable bags for daily urban use and move. METROBAGS are shaped and manufactured in Beijing. * METROBAGS is a collaborative project of two Beijing-based entities: METROWAVES - Platform for Electronic Music and the NLGX Design Store, both sharing their passion about the place they originate from; one through improving Beijing's electronic music scene and the other through original design apparel inspired by Beijing's urban lifestyle. * METROBAGS are developed by Markus M Schneider with Zhang Muyao and crafted in Beijing by local family workshops.


  6. 前门M餐厅“激情悦动”大堂

  Capital M Pop-Up Lounge


  Making A Business of Design

  活动时间:2012. 9. 30 14:00-17:00

  活动地址:3rd Floor, No.2 Qianmen Pedestrian Street


  A day of discussions focused on how to turn design ideas into a viable business, held in conjunction with BJDW and Capital M partners & collaborators. Sessions are primarily in English with some Chinese language, please check our website for up-to-the-minute details: www.m-restaurantgroup.com.



  活动时间:2012. 9. 28-2012.10.7 12:00-24:00


  由“光之禄”(Luma Lu)和Lomography联合举办的电影竞赛环节,影片全部采用Lomo电影相机拍摄,并将在前门M餐厅放映。

  活动时间:2012. 9. 28-2012.10.7 12:00-24:00

  24 Hours Dashilar: Life in Present and Past Dashilar, As Seen Through the Eyes of Residents & Local Filmmakers

  A short film competition, hosted by Luma Lu and sponsored by Lomography, using the Lomokino Camera. Shown at Capital M on vintage TVs.



  前门M餐厅特地为北京设计周打造了美味的“激情悦动”菜单,从中午至晚间,供应一周 。

  Pop-Up Menu

  Capital M has created a deliciously creative pop-up menu for BJDW, featuring cocktails such as the Bamboo/Bamboozle, inspired by our bamboo installation, the BJDW Martini and delicious bites like our Mini Smørrebrød; tapas and sweet verrines, all available all week long, from noon-late.


  Adventures with Hannah Ren, Contemporary Jewelry Make

  活动时间:2012. 9. 29 14:00-16:00

  活动地址: Factory Auditorium


  Hannah Ren是一个在中国出生,在澳洲长大并接受教育的现代珠宝设计师。攻读完金银锻造专业的硕士之后,Ren搬回北京定居。她的设计作品总是有棱有角,将一些稀奇古怪的概念与波普文化巧妙融合,形成了自己独特的佩戴艺术风格。在北京设计周期间,Ren将会给大家带来主题为“现代珠宝设计”的主题演讲,与大家分享她成为一名珠宝设计师的奇妙历程,向大家介绍掌握珠宝设计手工艺术中经常用到的基本的技巧和特殊工具,并以一个过来人的身份与大家探讨如何开始自己的事业。

  Hannah Ren is a Chinese-born, Australian raised and educated contemporary jewelry maker. After she received her Master's in Silver and Goldsmithing, Ren moved back to Beijing where she is currently based. Her work is wearable and accessible design, with edgy, quirky concepts with often a pop culture twist. During Beijing Design Week, Ren will give us a speech on Contemporary Jewelry Make, introducing to us her path to becoming a jewelry maker, sharing the basic skills and tools for the craft, and discussing how to get started with a career of your own.

  活动时间:2012. 9. 30 16:00-18:30

  活动地址: Factory Auditorium




  Movie + Dinner


  Movie + Dinner is an Art project created by Casual Location, which means to play a selected movie and a cooking live show for the audience by the designers of Casual Location according to the movie.



2012北京国际设计周 “好设计”系列活动
2012北京国际设计周 主宾城市"米兰超越设计"
2012北京国际设计周 PICCHIOTTI高级珠宝展

本文来自 家居装修知识网 2012北京国际设计周大栅栏活动介绍 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-186257.html