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https://m.biud.com.cn 2013年07月17日16:13 家居装修知识网  



  l 所有在中国出售的ESMAI (5A8431C00) 厨房龙头,均是在欧盟地区生产,并且完全符合现行欧洲最严格的产品标准。值得注意的是,这些龙头全部获得ACS证明,证明其符合最严厉的法国卫生健康标准(2012年8月7日发出);相关的NF证明(2013年7月2日发出),详见下图。

  l 这些龙头同时符合欧洲“1998年11月3日发布的饮用水指令”,这个欧洲指令--98/83/EC所采纳的人类饮用水的水质标准,是完全参考了世界卫生组织(WHO)及环境保护局(EPA)的建议而制订的。

  l ESMAI厨房龙头采用的CC752S黄铜,是符合联邦环境局(UBA)“准许货单”上对含铅量的要求,该要求将会在2014年在欧洲强制执行。

  l 我们将会尽快联络上海质量技术监督局(SITQTS),取得整份检测报告,了解整个检测及分析过程的详细内容,并查明不同实验室所采用的检测流程的差异。

  l 乐家集团是全球最大的卫浴产品供应商,产品行销135个国家和地区,其产品质量完全符合中国现行法规,以及任何一个销售乐家产品的当地规范。

  l 所有由乐家开发及销售的产品,全部经过严格且全面的内部及外部的质量及安全检测,以确保消费者使用的安全和卫生。






  Dear Sir,

  With respect to the information broadcast on 14/07/2013 by the Shanghai TV News Channel in relation to ESMAI kitchen faucets, we would like to share the following information:

  - All ESMAI (5A8431C00) kitchen faucet units sold in China are manufactured in the European Union and meet the strictest European regulations currently in force. Specifically, they have obtained ACS certification showing health compliance (dated 07/08/2012) and the corresponding NF certificate (dated 02 July 2013), both attached.

  - They also meet the European “Drinking Water Directive dated 3 November 1998". This European Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water for human consumption were drawn up taking into account the recommendations established by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the EPA (Environment Protection Agency).

  - ESMAI kitchen faucets use CC752S brass, which meets “Positive List” requirements concerning lead content – requirements drawn up by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), which are expected to come into force in 2014.

  - We will contact the Shanghai Inspection Team of Quality and Technical Supervision (SITQTS) in order to find out the details of the analysis process followed and check the differences in testing procedures between the laboratories.

  - The Roca Group is the biggest global operator in the bathroom sector, with a presence in more than 135 markets, and it meets current regulations in China and in each and every one of the countries where it is present.

  - All components and products developed and sold by Roca are subject to exhaustive internal and external quality and safety checks.

  We are available to you to provide you with whatever additional information you consider appropriate and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the trust you have placed in our brand.

  Yours sincerely,

Roca (China) Co., Ltd.

  17th July, 2013



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本文来自 家居装修知识网 乐家集团:关于龙头含铅超标事件官方说明 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-263452.html