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https://m.biud.com.cn 2014年04月25日11:33 家居装修知识网  

  作为本次2014中国设计挑战赛的主办方之一、KIKERLAND的创始人、总裁Jan van der Lande先生期待着哪些参赛作品可以最终获奖,并被KIKKERLAND带入全球近200个销售渠道,哪位设计师能被挑战赛主办方邀请前往2015年的纽约国际设计周。2014中国设计挑战赛设计稿征集截止日期为4月30日。


  让我们来看看Jan van der Lande先生对本次挑战赛的寄语:

  “Every year we wonder: What should we design next? It is simple question with a complicated answer and even more complicated Journey. 

  We are always looking for well-designed products with a poetic twist. To create something new and beautiful you have open your mind, understand the subtleties of human interaction, find joy and then elicit in onto others. 

  Welcome to China Design Challenge 2014 and we are looking for new design in China. ”








  主办方联系电话:010-84186996  15321805299




  Every year we wonder: What should we design next? It is simple question with a complicated answer and even more complicated journey. 

  We are always looking for well-designed products with a poetic twist. To create something new and beautiful you have open your mind, understand the subtletiesof human interaction, find joy and then elicit in onto others. 

  Welcometo China Design Challenge 2014 and we are looking for new design in China。


2014中国设计挑战赛 KIKKERLAND介绍
2014中国设计挑战赛设计稿征集圆满结束 入围作品即将揭晓
2014 中国设计挑战赛征集启动
2014中国设计挑战赛火爆进行中 校园宣讲会反响热烈
2014中国设计挑战赛 设计稿征集最后10天
2014中国设计挑战赛 设计稿征集截止30天倒计时开始

本文来自 家居装修知识网 KIKKERLAND总裁透露2014中国设计挑战赛秘诀 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-364594.html