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2014年同济设计周即将开幕 25场精彩活动精彩纷呈

https://m.biud.com.cn 2014年10月07日09:46 家居装修知识网  

        The 2014 Tongji Design Week will take place October 10th – 17th. This event is organized by the College of Design and Innovation at the Tongji University, the Shanghai Week UNESCO City of Design, the Shanghai Industrial Design Association, and the China Industry Design and Research Institute (Shanghai). There will be over 20 exhibitions, forums and other activities. The theme of this year is 'New Space', covering industrial design, graphic design, interaction design, innovative education, biomimicry research, sustainable development, etc. Please stay tuned!


        会议 Conference:
第三届“新兴实践”设计教育与研究大会 第三届“新兴实践”设计教育与研究大会

        The 3rd 'Emerging Practices' Design Research and Education Conference
        时间:2014/10/13 08:00 – 18:00
        “新兴实践”设计研究与教育会议一直致力于就不断影响设计和设计教育的实践、价值和途径展开探讨。今年召开的第三届“新兴实践”大会的主题是“发展中”,Don Norman, Patrick Whitney等大家将和来自不同领域的研究者、从业人员、教师和学生将一起分享想法和思路,以丰富关于“发展中”的优秀实践的理解,围绕的子主题分别是:社群、经济、教育、前沿探索、研究与开放。本次会议的目标在于促成人们反思对于“发展中”一词的主流认识和潜在理解,从而进一步探索“发展中”这一状态的优势、挑战和机遇。
        The 'Emerging Practices' Design Research and Education Conference is devoted to exploring the new practices, values, and approaches arising from, or influential to, design and design education. The main theme of the 3rd Emerging Practices conference is 'developing'. We now invite researchers, practitioners, teachers and students from different domains, together with the keynote speakers such as Don Norman, Patrick Whitney, Ken Friedman and so on, to contribute thoughts that enrich the understanding of best practices of 'developing' related to communities, economies, education, explorations, and research and openness. This conference aims to facilitate discourses that reflect on the prevailing acceptance and implicit interpretation of the notion of developing. Further, it will explore the strengths, challenges, and opportunities that the status of being developing offers, in various scenarios of emerging practices driven by design.

        第四届 “高校艺术学科师生海外学习项目”发展研讨会
        The 4th Arts Abroad Project Development Conference
        时间:2014/10/14 - 15
        The conference will continue to focus on a further discussion and study on the contents such as internationalization of artistic disciplines of higher education, personnel training under the mode of 'Global Campus', discipline construction and faculty development. The conference aims to explore the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign education, to exchange experience and development plans related to art and design education, with the vision to promote and execute a sustainable development of collaborative projects on higher education between Chinese and foreign schools and to expand the possibilities for cooperation on arts education. In addition, the cooperation projects and relevant working experience of Florence Campus will be shared during the 4th conference.

        论坛 Forum:

        Sustainable Design Forum
        时间:2014/10/10 13:00 – 17:00
        Supported by DESIS-China network, this forum focuses on green design and sustainable design. Nationally renowned scholar sand experts from leading industries are invited to give lectures on defining sustainable design, to showcase studies and to interact with the audience.
        IXDF 交互体验设计论坛
        Interaction and User eXperience Design Forum
        时间:2014/10/11 09:00 – 21:00
        This forum focuses on applying interaction and user experience research into real work. Internationally renowned speakers, are invited to discuss cutting-edge design trends, to share experience and to answer questions from the audience.

        Biennial International Advisory Board Meeting
         时间:2014/10/12 09:00 – 12:00(上午场不对外),14:00 – 16:00
        The International Advisory Board Meeting of Tongji University is held every two years and this year is the third session. Deans, professors and design experts from leading design schools and industries will be gathered in the College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, to discuss the strategic development of design discipline in Tongji. The interaction session of the AB Meeting will be opened to public in the afternoon of 12th.

        Biomimicry: The Future of Sustainable Innovation
        时间:2014/10/14 08:40 – 16:30
        Biomimicry is a fast-emerging, cross-disciplinary science, engineering and design practice. It studies and emulates lessons from nature to create more sustainable man-made technologies, methods and products. Biomimicry is incredibly inspiring and promises to resolve some of the real causes of human’s sustainability problems. We invite top experts to share knowledge with the audience. This forum will leave you with a sense of potential and empowerment to drive your own work toward sustainability - a wealth of sustainable models already exists right outside our doors! Join us right now!

        Policy & Strategy Seminar
        时间:2014/10/14 09:30 – 11:30
        设计与创新的战略作用正在吸引越来越多来自国家层面的重视和探索。本次研讨会致力于鼓励对设计相关政策与战略研究课题的交流和讨论。来自悉尼科技大学的Sam Bucolo教授将介绍他近期为澳大利亚设计整合网络以及英联邦科学与产业研究组织所写的报告。同时,同济大学设计创意学院的“中国创新设计战略”课题组也将分享他们参与研究子课题项目的经验与初步发现。
        The strategic role of design and innovation has attracted increasing awareness and explorations at a national level. This seminar is devoted to encourage communications and discussions based on latest conducted research projects on design policies and strategies. Prof. Sam Bucolo from University of Technology Sydney will introduce the report that he has just made for the Australian Design Integration Network and CSIRO (the Common Wealth Science and Industrial Research Organization). Also, the research team from D&I will share their experiences and initial findings of their work as part of the studies on the National Road map of Developing Innovation Design in China.

        Reflection Seminar on Design Education Philosophy of Prof. Zhongyan ZHU
        This design education reflection forum focuses on design innovation, design methodology, industrial design and environment, etc. Prof. Zhongyan ZHU and other invited guests from all over the world will reflect on design education and share their experience.
        The origin of the design is to solve problem. Design is the means, process and result of solving problems. The final result of design not only can be the hardware (artificiality, product, facility), but also the software (program, system, method, service, institution).

        Symposium "media, space and architecture / a BAUHAUS perspective"  + Pre-Opening of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - Contact Office
        Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has long-term cooperative relations with Tongji University in the aspects of art, design and architecture. In order to further prompt bilateral teaching and scientific research programs, Bauhaus is about to establish coordination office in Tongji University. As it comes just with Tongji design week, both universities are going to jointly hold cooperation and communication forum on the subject of 'media, space and architecture', and hold the opening ceremony of coordination office at the same time.

        Fablab-Shanghai 一周年庆典
        International Fablab Day
        时间:2014/10/16 09:00 – 16:30
        With the third industrial revolution under the Internet revolution reaching all over the world, open source design and open fabrication is constantly bringing innovation and challenges to China. As a nation with strong traditional manufacturing industry power, China is facing a lot of questions. How does China involve from 'made in China' to 'making in China'. How will 'Open source', '3D printing' and other design and manufacturing chains under the context of the new design change dramatically? How does design innovation become the foundation of a new round of entrepreneurship? How do we establish a sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem in China? How will business models and related intellectual property rights be rewritten? We will invite dozens of makers, researchers and pioneers from home and abroad. They will begin a heated discussion about this topic to reveal the stories in the new wave of the digital revolution in China.
        IBM-Tongji 设计研究研讨会
        IBM-Tongji Design Research Seminar
        时间:2014/10/17 09:30 – 17:30
        IBM design studio and the College of Design and Innovation will co-organize this seminar, which focuses on design thinking, methodology and practice. The IBM and Tongji experts will involve students to run small workshops, in order to better share knowledge and explore the future of design.
        Reflection Seminar on Design Education Philosophy of Prof. Zhengsheng YIN
        The design education reflection forum of Prof. Zhengsheng YIN will review Prof. Zhengsheng YIN’s education career of the past decades on design management, modern design history, public design, etc. Some scholars and experts from all over the world will discuss various design issues with the audience.

        活动 Activity:

        Design Success Summit + Successful Design Awards Ceremony
        时间:2014/10/11 08:30 – 20:30

        “设计成就中国”高峰论坛是中国首个聚焦商业创新与设计思维发展的国际性高端平台,致力于桥接商业与设计,打造创新领袖,传播设计思维,提升创新领导力。本年度800名来自全球商业以及创新、设计领域的高级别领袖将参与该论坛,共话商业发展与设计战略。成功设计大赛旨在通过表彰今日的成功设计,启示与推动设计对未来的深远影响。历经多年辉煌积淀,它已成为设计创新与管理的标杆,优秀作品涵盖产品、空间、时尚、视觉传达、交互设计、服务设计、活动七大类别。                        www.designsuccesschina.com,www.successfuldesign.org

        Design Success Summit is aiming at generating sparks and transforming people that will ultimately elevate the value Design generates for the economy, industry and society in China.  We have pulled together an impressive group of local and global speakers, inspiring guests and thought leaders from across different industries. Initiated in 2006, Successful Design Awards, with participants from over 20 countries, has now become the leading pole of innovation and management industry. All the designs cover six primary categories: Fashion Design, Product Design, Services Design, Space Design, Interaction design and Visual Communication. www.designsuccesschina.com,www.successfuldesign.org

        Sino Italian Tongji Day
        时间:2014/10/11 08:45 – 16:30
        The SINO ITALIAN DESIGN DAY @TONGJI aims to reinforce a network among the POLITONG community, the EMDM and companies, to exhibit the results of both the programmes, to strengthen the Sino-Italian design approach so to be competitive.
        D&I’s New Building and Lab Opening
        During the Design Week, we’ll invite our friends to witness the official opening of the new building of the College of Design and Innovation, which renovated from an old industrial building located in the No.1 Field of Design. The design of the building is the reflection of the openness and energy of the college. We’ll open a series of joint research labs with leading industries such as Microsoft, Alibaba, Volvo, etc.
         Launching Ceremony of “She Ji” Journal
        同济大学和Elsevier国际出版集团将正式宣布合作出版的全英文设计研究期刊“She Ji, the Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation”,中文名为《大设计》。这是国内第一本全英文设计研究期刊,以探索设计、经济和技术跨学科领域的前沿知识和方法为特色。
        She Ji, the Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation, which is co-published by Elsevier and Tongji University is the first international design journal in China. It will focus on design for value creation in industry, business, non-profit services, and government. It will also provide key articles in research methods and methodology, philosophy, and philosophy of science to support the core journal areas.

        D2 工作坊:交互声音
        D2 Workshop: Interaction Design with Sound
        时间:2014/10/14 09:00 – 16:00
        地点:同济大学数字创新设计中心 - CDI
        本次 D2(Design to Development)跨学科工作坊由同济大学数字创新设计中心(CDDI)、Queen Mary University of London电子工程与计算机学院和上海音乐学院音乐工程系联合举办。来自不同学校和专业背景的学生将在老师的指导下进行联合交互音频作品的创作。在打开学生视野的同时,本次工作坊也将开启数字创新设计中心与Queen Mary University of London在交互音频创作与研究方向上的长期合作。
        This D2 (Design to Development) workshop is organized by CDDI (Center for Digital Design Innovation) of Tongji University, Faculty of Science and Engineering of Queen Mary University of London, and the Department of Music Engineering of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Students with different background from different universities will work together on interactive audio pieces under the instruction of professors and researchers from different fields. At the same time of being a creative activity for the students, this workshop will also serve as the starting point of long-term collaboration between CDDI and Queen Mary University of London on Interaction Design for Audio.
        展览 Exhibition:
        D&I Alumni’s Design Work
        时间:2014/10/10 – 17
        The exhibition will invite the representatives of D&I’s alumni to show their works and career. It will be a vivid reflection of development of China’s design education, research and practice.

        Summer School Work
        时间:2014-10-10 – 17
        The exhibition will show results and design works from 2014 summer school hosted by D&I.
        Sino Italian Tongji Exhibition
        时间:2014/10/10 – 17
        The SINO ITALIAN DESIGN DAY @TONGJI aims to reinforce a network among the POLITONG community, the EMDM and companies, to exhibit the results of both the programmes, to strengthen the Sino-Italian design approach so to be competitive.
        Biomimicry in China
        时间:2014/10/10 – 17

仿生学是现下新兴的实现可持续和创新的途径,越来越多的工程师、设计师、材料科学家、建筑师、生物学家、城市规划师以及其他专业领域正通过仿生学来创造更多的可持续建筑、流程和系统。仿生学无疑是非常鼓舞人心的,它是解决在地球上人类的可持续发展问题途径之一。同济大学设计创意学院仿生学设计实验室 (Biomimetic Design Lab)将在10月10-27日之间举办一系列有关仿生学的活动,展览、会议、论坛、讲座和实地考察。这将是中国首个深入交流和学习仿生学的大规模聚会,千万不要错过!

Biomimicry is a fast-emerging, cross-disciplinary science, engineering and design practice. It studies and emulates lessons from nature to create more sustainable man-made technologies, methods and products. Biomimicry is incredibly inspiring and promises to resolve some of the real causes of human’s sustainability problems. BiDL will hold a series of 5 customized events, including exhibition, conference, forum, public lecture and field trip during Oct 10th - 27th, 2014. These events will leave you with a sense of potential and empowerment to drive your own work toward sustainability - a wealth of sustainable models already exists right outside our doors! Join us right now!

•    IT业界前沿设计成果展
•    Design Exhibition from IT Industry
•    时间:2014/10/10 – 17
•    地点:学院2号楼前厅

We invite international and national IT companies to exhibit their newly designed and developed interactive product service systems. These companies collaborate with D&I closely.

•    同济教师学术成果展
•    Tongji Faculty’s Publications Show
•    时间:2014/10/10 – 17
•    地点:学院2号楼1楼前厅

This exhibition brings academic publications, teaching results and design works from our faculty members in the past few years.

•    “在我眼中” 大一暑期设计实践作品展
•    'In My Eyes' Summer Design Practice
•    时间:2014/10/10-17
•    地点:学院3号楼1层

The exhibition brings narrative designs of our 2013 freshmen during their summer design practice which emphasis the value of returning to innocence and the creation of design meaning to strengthen the relationship between human and history, human and nature, human and society in a fresh designer’s view.

•    IXDF 展览
•    IXDF Exhibition
•    时间:2014/10/11
•    地点:同济大学数字创新设计中心 - CDI

上海交互与用户体验设计展包含了来自同济大学数字创新设计中心、英国Queen Mary 大学、阿里巴巴等院校和企业的展品供参观者体验了解。展览将展示移动和车载、交互艺术与电子媒介以及环境交互三个主题的各类最新设计和产品。

The IXDF exhibition brings experiential designs from both academia and industry. The theme includes Car HMI, Tangible Media, Interactive Installations, Interactive Media, Smart Home, etc.

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2014年同济设计周即将开幕 25场精彩活动精彩纷呈
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本文来自 家居装修知识网 2014年同济设计周即将开幕 25场精彩活动精彩纷呈 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-453270.html