2014年10月31日,从化拥有百余年历史的预拌砂浆行业世界领导者——圣戈班伟伯(Saint-GobainWeber) 今天宣布在从化正式投入生产。这是伟伯品牌在华南市场开设的首家生产基地,预示着伟伯在华南业务的加速成长和长足的战略发展计划。圣戈班伟伯中国区执行总裁KellyTan女士,特邀嘉宾圣戈班集团高级副总裁兼圣戈班集团建材产品事业部总裁ClaudeIMAUVEN先生,特邀嘉宾圣戈班亚太区总代表兼首席执行官Mr.Javier GIMENO先生,从化市政府相关领导及众多媒体嘉宾等亲临开幕典礼现场,共同见证了这一里程碑式的重大时刻。
Saint-GobainWeber, the worldwide expert of tiling solution, announced the grand opening ofits first plant in South China, which is the 3rd plant in China. Itaugurs in a new development period for Weber China. Ms Kelly TAN, ManagingDirector of Saint-Gobain Weber China, honored guests Mr. Claude IMAUVEN, SeniorVice-President of Saint-Gobain and President of the Construction ProductsSector, Mr. Javier GIMENO, CEO & General Delegate of the Saint-Gobain Groupin Asia-Pacific, representatives from Conghua government, key Weberdistributors and media joined the opening ceremony on Oct 31st, 2014.
为满足在华的业务增长的需求,圣戈班伟伯公司在中国广州地区建设第三家工厂。伟伯从化新工厂选址于从化鳌头工业园区内,主要业务将覆盖整个华南地区。从化新工厂采用全球统一的模块式标准建设,所有生产设备均为全进口的高标准环保设备。整个工厂的管理理念将继续沿用圣戈班伟伯公司全球一贯执行的WCM(WorldClass Manufacturing)管理要求。
Saint-GobainWeber built its 3rd plant in Guangzhou to meet the business growth in SouthChina. The new Guangzhou plant is located in Conghua Municipality, AotouIndustrial Zone. The new plant is built in accordance to Weber’s globalstandard system with high quality equipment imported from overseas, meetingenvironmentally friendly requirements. The plant will follow and implementSaint-Gobain’s management ideals of World Class Manufacturing (“WCM”).
As amember of the Saint-Gobain Group, a Fortune 500 company, Saint-Gobain Weberprovides building construction and renovation solutions in 49 countries allover the world.
Itsproducts include tile fixing system, façade and ETICS system, flooring systemand technical mortar. Weber insists on the concept of innovation andsustainable development, to create a comfortable life for consumers.
圣戈班伟伯从化工厂地址: 从化市鳌头镇人和工业区宝丰路5号
Addressof Conghua Plant::No.5, Baofengroad, Aotou town, Renhe industrial zone, Conghua district, Guangzhou provinceChina.
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