MD蒙泰室内设计公司,汇聚了一批多元化背景,经验丰富、创意无限的设计师。 MD在巴黎,多伦多,上海,厦门都设有分部,地理上的优势给设计师提供广阔发展平台。
Title: Senior FF&E Designer资深软装设计师
Job Description:
1.FFE selection and specifications.
2.Material reference selection and specifications.
3.Coordinate material reference with technical team.
4.On-going coordination of library resources, updating materials and meet with suppliers.
5.Assist with concept design presentations.
6.Attend design presentations as required.
7.Attend project coordination/meetings/sub-contractor meetings.
8.Attend site review meetings.
9.Assist with soft opening set-ups as required.
Job Requirements:
1.Bachelor's degree in area of specialty and 8 -10 years of experience in the hospitality design field or in a related area.
2.Excellent knowledge of design principles and the ability to interpret design concepts and layouts.
3.Expert knowledge of multiple design brands standards.
4.Fluent in English and Chinese. (Preferred)
5.Expert knowledge of commonly-used concepts, practices, and procedures within interior design industry.
6.Advanced knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Photoshop.
Title: Chief Designer/Senior Interior Designer 主创设计师 / 资深设计师(硬装)
Job Descriptions:
1.Manage design projects independently and accept responsibility for their quality, schedule, budgets, and MD schedules.
2.Work closely with other senior designers to create innovative solutions. Extensive 3D free-hand sketching and planning for review with clients.
3.Attend design presentations as required.
4.Produce compressive/detailed construction drawing packages.
5.Assist with completion of material reference specifications.
6.Attend project coordination/meetings/sub-contractor meetings.
7.Assist FF&E designers with development of PowerPoint presentations.
8.Attend site review meetings.
Job Requirements:
1.Bachelor's degree in area of specialty and 8-10 years of experience in the hospitality design field or in a related area.
2.Excellent knowledge of design principles and the ability to interpret design concepts and layouts.
3.Expert knowledge of multiple design brands standards.
4.Fluent in English and Chinese. (Preferred)
5.Expert knowledge of commonly-used concepts, practices, and procedures within industry.
6.Advanced knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop and Auto CAD.
1) 协助总裁维护客户,并发展良好的客户关系,潜力客户挖掘、客户招待及与客户工作上的对接;客户分类管理;
2) 协助总裁完成活动策划、预算、提案、报价与执行;
3) 协助完成项目推进、策划与执行和效果评估;
4) 与各类媒体发展及维持良好的关系;
5) 独立撰写各类稿件(专访稿等)、策划方案、报告等。
6) 协助总裁做好日常各项管理工作的布置、实施、检查、督促以及落实执行;
7) 负责总裁日常行程安排,会议预定,酒店预定,为总裁接见访客做好预约工作等;妥善安排总裁重要客人的接待工作;
8) 完成总裁交代的其他事宜。
1)女性。 本科及以上学历,新闻、市场营销等相关专业优先;三年以上市场或助理经验;
2)熟练运用办公自动化软件, 精通Word, Excel,PowerPoint
5)诚实、勤奋、刻苦, 具有责任感,人品端正,处事积极,目标感强,能够承担工作压力;
2015你应该有一条新的人生起跑线 设计公司招聘啦
独特气氛 简洁大方精美的室内设计家居(图)
现代简洁 斯德哥尔摩现代室内设计公寓(图)
足够抢眼 《欲望都市2》室内设计鉴赏(图)
极致简洁的魔力 荷兰公寓室内设计欣赏(图)