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https://m.biud.com.cn 2015年04月14日15:49 家居装修知识网  

  HSD深圳市水平线室内设计有限公司(北京|深圳) 首席创意执行总监

  Founder, Chief Executive Design Director of Horizontal Space Design


  Lecturer of Central China Academy of Fine Arts, and Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University


  He strives to research the application and innovation of Chinese culture in architectural space. In addition, he has cooperated with famous architects at home and abroad in design projects, trying to express design concepts with personalized and unique visual language, convey and interpret Chinese cultural elements with brand new vision.


  His designs are infused with contemporaneity, culture and artistic language. He seeks design inspirations from the connection and conflict between the past and the present, chasing design essences from the intersection of art and life.


  2012 年度中国室内设计十大最具影响力人物;

  2012 Most Influential Chinese Designers within China Interior Design Industry

  2011 年度中国室内设计十大最具影响力人物;

  2011 Most Influential Chinese Designers within China Interior Design Industry


  2009-2010 China Top Ten Interior Design Influential Celebrities


  2010 China (Shanghai) International Building & Interior Design Festival “Best Hotel Design”


  2009 China Interior Designer Annual Cover Person

  2009年中国(上海)国际建筑室内设计节“最佳创新设计奖” ;

  2009 China (Shanghai) International Building & Interior Design Festival “Best Innovative Design”

  2008年度国际传媒奖年度会所空间大奖 ;

  2008 Annual International Media Awards “Club Space Category “Award


  2008 China (Shanghai) International Building & Interior Design Festival “Best Lighting Design”


  2007 the First Prize in Culture & Education, Medical Engineering Category of China Interior Design Awards

  2007 年美国室内设计――INTERIOR DESIGN China酒店设计奖. ;

  2007 American Interior Design—INTERIOR DESIGN China, Hotel Design Award


  2007 China Annual Top 10 Interior Designers


  HSD Claims: No Design without Creativity


  2012 “现代装饰国际传媒奖”之年度样板空间大奖

  2012 Modern Decoration International Media Award Best Showroom Design Award

  2012 “金堂奖”之年度十佳样板间/售楼中心设计作品奖

  2012 Top 10 Showroom Design, JIN TANG Award

  2011 IAI最佳展览空间设计大奖

  2011 IAI Best Exhibition Hall Design Award


  2011 Media Attention Award of JIN TANG Award

  2011 “现代装饰国际传媒奖”之年度样板空间大奖

  2011 Modern Decoration International Media Award Best Showroom Design Award


  2011 Top 10 Villa and Hotel Design, JIN TANG Award

  2011“Idea Tops”艾特奖之最佳酒店设计奖

  2011 IDEA-TOPS Annual Best Hotel Design Awards


  2010 Most Influential Design Institution in Greater China


  2009 China the Most Powerful Interior Design Company


  2008 China the Most Powerful Interior Design Company


  2008 China Annual Top 10 Hotel Design Company


琚宾设计作品 位于广州市萝岗样板间(图)
新锐设计师琚宾:外表温和淡定 设计表达大胆
琚宾:中国设计正能量 标准+传承+各就其位

本文来自 家居装修知识网 琚宾Jubin https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-533470.html