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挖地三尺的“温馨”工业风|乾正设计新品 银座超时尚“晒”道

https://m.biud.com.cn 2017年09月20日19:10 家居装修知识网  









  Ginza INZONE /People’s Square

  Not an exile like this shall be excluded from life,

  Neither a vitality like this,

  Everything is up to you,

  Away from the usual way,

  Have the gut to live yourself,

  “Reflecting” every single moment you love about your life,

  Feel this instance once we’ve forgotten somehow…


  項目处在市中心的人民广场负一层,但当你走進銀座,随性,抽象如马路的地面,钢结构,砖墙,夸张的灯饰,混搭的色彩… 就是这么简单粗暴,有个性。

  The project is on the B1 floor of the People’s Square in the city center. But when you walk in Ginza, free of will, abstract as the road surface, steel structure, brick walls, flamboyant lamp decorations, mixed colors…..It is as simplified and symbolic as this.



  The project preserves the original brick walls, and adds some new elements as well. This combination of old and new will be outstanding in this city. The cement floor inside the shopping center, the steel structure, the mirror and light decorations that resembles “vintage vehicle”, as well as the furniture full of sense of speed is adding up to the comfort and relaxing atmosphere.


  When you are tired, a gas station (energy station) will always be around at your service. When you sit next to the bar counter, having one of your favorite alcohol or soft drinks, you will certainly be impressed with such an unforgettable and irreplaceable joyful time!



  The whole shopping center has four entrance. The main visitor stream will be focusing on the south-north main passage. Therefore the design to guide the visitor stream is the key point. A passage too long requires changing forms to stay vigorous and to introduce the visitors into other blocks and space at the same time.

  The designer is rebuilding this south-north main passage out of innovation. The passage will be knotted in the middle, which resembles the number “8”. A rectangle space is reformed into a race-like passage, which increase the possibility for visitors interaction to infinity. The shops along the passage are all planned to be open. The visitors will come and go at their free will, which will create a lively atmosphere. At the joint point where the main passage is going into the sub passage, the theme design is extended, and the theme design enables different commercial form sections to be effectively connected together.

  银座给人们留下深刻的印象,除了因为有独特的零售商品、精致的美食和亲切热情的服务以外,极具场景化的购物场地,不一样的购物体验,让“INZONE STYLE的生活方式正在不断蔓延.

  Ginza will impress people deeply, not only because of its unique retailing products, delicate gourmet and warm-hearted service, but the scenic shopping area and different shopping experience as well. Let the “INZONE STYLE” life expand into everyone’s life.




  设计面积:37577 m2

  设 计 师: 申俊伟 ELSON SHEN

  设计公司: 上海乾正建筑装饰设计有限公司

设计师 申俊伟设计师 申俊伟


挖地三尺的“温馨”工业风|乾正设计新品 银座超时尚“晒”道
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67平方的二房一厅 一家三口的温馨小窝(图)
180平复式 一家三口的温馨大House(图)

本文来自 家居装修知识网 挖地三尺的“温馨”工业风|乾正设计新品 银座超时尚“晒”道 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-685551.html