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https://m.biud.com.cn 2017年10月25日13:09 家居装修知识网  

The 4th XihuInternational Children's Culture & Creative Festival 2017



The 4th XihuInternational Children's Culture & Creative Festival will take place from 18th to 26th November 2017 in Hangzhou TianHongShopping mall! This Festival will continue the theme of "jointly protectthe global village, build a green world dream", and advocate greenenvironmental protection. The Children's Culture& Creative Festival is aimed at families withchildren aged 3 to 16 years old, planning a series of creative experientialactivities. Through three major themes ("The Shadow Of Nature","The Traces Of Art", "The Realm Of Dreams"), we will launcha series of international cultural exchanges, including original repertoireperformances, IP theme exhibition, master interactive classes, science andtechnology experiential activities to guide children in setting up correctconsciousness of environmental protection and energy saving, helping tocultivate healthy aesthetic taste, expanding horizons and being knowledgeable,experience multiple cultures, and exploring their own creative potential. Inaddition, this year Xihu International Children'sCulture & Creative Festival will also invite manyartists from all over the world to visit the event site and communicate withthe children face-to-face, to experience a different journey of environmentalprotection and creation.


西湖国际少儿文化创意周是由杭州丽智公关在2014年发起的大型公益主题项目,以打造“中国少儿环保文化创意”产业的国际品牌为宗旨。经过三年的沉淀已经成为杭州少儿文化创意产业不可或缺的特色活动之一,影响力和美誉度逐年提高,同时也得到了政府及媒体的大力支持。十一月初我们将在杭州市热点地标发起大型的环保快 闪活动,让艺术走进生活,分享创想的快乐,最终将这份美好的礼物献给城市——杭州!


Xihu International Children's Culture & CreativeFestival is a large public project initiated by Hangzhou LizhiPR Company in 2014 to create "cultural innovation in Chinese children's senseof environmental protection". After three years of implementation, it hasbecome an indispensable activity for children's cultural and creativeindustries in Hangzhou. Its influence and reputation increasing year by year,it has also received strong support from the government and the media. At thebeginning of November we will be doing some large environmental flashactivities in some landmarks of Hangzhou, let art into life, share the joy ofcreativity, and finally give this wonderful gift to our city-Hangzhou.




All the sections are open to the public free ofcharge! What are you waiting for? Transfer the positive energy of environmentalprotection, and let us find ourselves and grow up happily in the atmosphere ofart.




艺术指导:王赓   视觉总监:张哲


创意执行:余贤挺、张慧、傅建胜   翻译:杭州弗雷内教育中心


Curator:Pan Kemin   Art Director: Wang Geng   Visual Designer: Zhang Zhe

CreativeExecution: Yu Xianting Zhang Hui Fu Jiansheng  

Translation: Hangzhou Freinet Education Centre


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本文来自 家居装修知识网 2017第四届西湖国际少儿文化创意周 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-691630.html