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WS GALLERY新展 | 时空维度 — 现当代艺术大师作品合集

https://m.biud.com.cn 2019年12月16日17:40 家居装修知识网  

  Dimensions of The World

  — Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Works Collection


  Einstein once said that the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is understandable. The whole universe has developed from nothing to everything of the present. In the 21st Century, due to the Internet and globalisation, it seems that everything can appear together in a space, this epoch is in multiple dimensions. The development of art has extended from the primitive totem period, the pursuit of perfection period - in ancient Greece and Rome, the dark period in the middle ages, the scientific exploration period in the Renaissance, the rebellious modern art period and to the crazy and complex contemporary art period. Now, we may set ourselves free to enjoy living in such a fantastic dimensions.

哆啦A梦的生活 Doraemon’s Daily Life哆啦A梦的生活 Doraemon’s Daily Life

  To welcome the 2020 New Year, WS SPACE and Je Fine Art Space together present: Dimensions of the world - Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Works Collection. We would like to invite you to explore the diversified and personalised art works of Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Yayoi Kusama, Murakami Takashi and Nara Yoshitomo.

  Salvador Dal í (1904-1989), known as one of the three outstanding artists in Spain in the 20C, had shown genius art talent since childhood. He knew that he could not surpass outstanding artists of the Renaissance in terms of their realism.  However Pablo Picasso, who also came from Spain, enjoyed a high artistic reputation early in Paris. Dali knew that he had to create an unique art style and finally he became the representative artist of Surrealism, whose dreamlike image and scene naturally integrated with extremely rich painting details. In addition, in 1940s, Dali made great efforts in America and achieved great success in business. In 1982, Juan Carlos I, king of Spain, made Dali the Marquis of Pubol.

  Andy Warhol (1928-1987) is definitely one of the most famous American artists in the 20C. He created a great artist brand— Andy Warhol. Pop Art represented by Warhol does not need prior knowledge, it is casual, immediate and interesting. Just like the unprecedented consumption age in America, whether you are rich or poor, whether you are great or mediocre, you all can watch TV and drink Coca Cola. In 1962, the news of Marilyn Monroe's death caused a sensation in America, Warhol keenly realised that it was a good theme. The next day, he called her agent to buy a promotional photo of Monroe, and he made series of screenprints, which became the most influential works of Andy Warhol.

  Yayoi Kusama (B. 1929) is an artist with strong vitality and rich creativity. She suffered from mental illness since she was young, but this is also the reason why she spent her whole life healing herself with artistic creation. At the same time, she also hopes to transmit infinite love to everyone in the world. In 1957, she came to America alone and the next year she went to New York, where she started her crazy art era in America for more than ten years. She not only fell in love with Joseph Cornell, a famous American artist, for ten years, but also had dinner with Salvador Dali and competed with Andy Warhol in New York.

  Murakami Takashi (B. 1962) is the most popular and controversial superstar artist. To some extent, he has many similarities with Salvador Dali and Andy Warhol. They all play art and business to the extreme and strive to manage their unique artist brand. At the beginning of their relationship with art, they are all lovers of painting. Although they belong to different times, they are all a creative, imaginative, diligent, persistent, well-known, money-mad and controversial artists.

  Nara Yoshitomo (B. 1959) is a very "loving" artist. You can feel the most free and honest ups and downs in his works. Nara Yoshitomo and his works have nothing to do with age, no matter when and where, no matter when we are young or old, they are always there, giving us endless company and comfort.
No matter how the environment may develop and change, no matter how the era alternates, the art that endures its vitality endlessly will exist forever and jointly construct this magical and wonderful dimension of the world.




  迎接2020新年之际,WS SPACE携手杜若云章·上海共同呈现:时空维度 — 现当代艺术大师作品合集,邀请您一起来探索萨尔瓦多·达利、安迪·沃霍尔、草间弥生、村上隆、奈良美智多样个性化的艺术创作,感受一个奇妙迷人的时空维度。

  被称为西班牙20世纪艺术三杰之一的萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dalí,1904-1989),自幼表现出天才般的艺术才华,但是自知无论如何也无法在“画其所见”这条道路上超越文艺复兴艺术三杰,且此时同样来自西班牙的大师毕加索早在巴黎享有极高的艺术名望。达利知晓,自己一定要独辟蹊径、另创新意。最终,他成为了超现实主义的顶级代表艺术家,梦幻般的形象和场景与极其丰富的绘画细节天然地融为一体。并且,1940年代达利在美国大显身手,获得商业上的巨大成功,名利双收。1982年,西班牙国王胡安·卡洛斯一世封达利为普波尔侯爵。

  安迪·沃霍儿(Andy Warhol,1928-1987)绝对是美国20世纪最知名的艺术家之一,他打造了一个伟大的艺术家品牌——安迪·沃霍儿。沃霍儿所代表的波普艺术是不需要先验知识的,它是随意的、即刻的、有趣的。就如美国空前盛况的消费时代,无论你是富有或贫穷,无论你是伟大或平庸,你都可以看电视、喝可口可乐。1962年,玛丽莲·梦露去世的消息轰动美国,沃霍儿敏锐地察觉到这是一个好题材,第二天打电话给她的经纪人购买了一幅梦露的宣传照,这也成为沃霍儿最具影响力的丝网版画作品系列。

  草间弥生(Yayoi Kusama,b. 1929)是一位生命力顽强、创作力丰富的艺术家,自幼患有精神病症,但这也是她穷尽一生用艺术创作来疗愈自己的原因所在,同时她也希望传递无限的爱给予这个世界上的每一个人。1957年独自一人来到美国,翌年前往纽约,开启在美国长达十多年的疯狂艺术涉猎。不仅与美国著名艺术家约瑟夫·康奈尔(Joseph Cornell)柏拉图式恋爱十年,还曾和萨尔瓦多·达利共进晚餐,更与安迪·沃霍儿在纽约相互竞争较量、各占一方天地。

  村上隆(Murakami Takashi,b. 1962)是当今最红、最有争议性的超级明星艺术家。某种程度上,他与萨尔瓦多·达利、安迪·沃霍儿有很多相似之处,他们都将艺术与商业跨界玩到极致,都在奋力经营自己独一无二的艺术家品牌形象。回述最初和艺术发生关系之时,他们也都是绘画的热爱者,虽属于不同的时代,但他们都集创造力、想象力、勤奋、执着、金钱、名誉、争议于一身。

  奈良美智(Nara Yoshitomo,b. 1959)是一个非常有“爱”的艺术家,你可以在他的作品中感受到一切最自由、最坦诚的酸甜苦辣。奈良美智和他的作品永远和年龄无关,无论何时何地,无论我们是在年幼少年时期,无论我们是在中年暮年之时,它们就一直在那里,给予我们无尽的陪伴与慰藉。


「时空维度 」— 现当代艺术大师作品合集

Dimensions of The World

— Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Works Collection

开放时间 | Open Time

2019.12.18 - 2020.02.16

周一 - 周日 10:00 - 18:00 ,17:30 停止入场

展览地点 | ADD.

上海市淮海中路1298号2F WS Gallery

出品人 | 吴滨 Ben Wu


  WS SPACE 無·集 & 杜若云章·上海 Je Fine Art Space 







35 RMB | 单人行(含展览门票)

68 RMB | 一人享(含指定咖啡一杯+展览门票)

  WS SPACE無·集 以美学甄选展区、WS CAFÉ、HOME家、WS GALLERY画廊四大板块的全新业态,构建一座集合潮流美学而又不失温暖精致的倾心之作,在城市中心为大家带来片刻宁静与感动。

  HOME家 / 私宅设计

  预约时间:周一到周五9:30 - 18:00(法定节假日除外)


  品牌合作 / 场地租赁

  Tel: 021- 64718001

  E-mail: marketing@wsdeco.com.cn




  WeChat Official:WSSPACE 無集


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本文来自 家居装修知识网 WS GALLERY新展 | 时空维度 — 现当代艺术大师作品合集 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-769801.html