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https://m.biud.com.cn 2011年12月23日19:02 家居装修知识网  

  2011年12月雅思口语预测:What‘s your favorite subject/course? Do you think people who major in your field can find a job easily when they graduate? Did your parents choose a secondary school for you?

  ☆ What‘s your hometown famous for? Is it good for young people? What will your hometown be like in the future? Can you tell me something about the public transport system in your hometown? Is the traffic heavy in your city?

  ☆ Do you live in a house or a flat? Which is your favorite room in your house/ flat? Do you think there is anything that should be improved in your house/flat?

  ☆ Does your Chinese name have any special meanings? Do you think you‘ll change your name in the future? Are there any important traditions about giving children their names in China? Who give children their names in Chinese families?

  ☆ What sports did you play when you were a child? What‘re the differences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls? What’re your favorite sports now? Are there any sports you want to learn to play?

  ☆ Do you exercise every day? Do you think it‘s important to exercise every day?

  ☆ What‘re your favorite colours? Do you think colours have any special meanings?() What were your favorite colours when you were a child? Are colours important to you when you choose clothing? Is there anything that has dark colours in your house? Are there any colours that you would avoid when decorating your house?

  ☆ What are the differences between the children now and the children in the past? (Now children are taller and probably much heavier, you know, because they eat so much greasy fast food … And I would say the children today know a whole lot more than the kids did ten years ago, but play video games too often and watch too much TV, which I believe is not healthy at all …)

  ☆What‘s your favorite kind of weather? What kind of weather feels the best when people work?

  ☆ Is Internet important to our lives? What do you think of online shopping?

  ☆ Do you think we should trust information on the Internet?

  ☆ Do you like swimming? What‘re the benefits of swimming? Do you prefer to swim in the sea or in a swimming pool? (Day 8: D)

  ☆ Where do you usually buy clothing? What is your favorite kind of clothing?

  ☆ Have you ever been to a concert? Did you like it? What kind of music do you like? What are the differences between going to a concert and listening to CDs? (We can hear singers or bands perform live in concerts. / We sing along and dance and scream with people who love the same music / But CDs give us far more choices. These days, concert ticket prices can be sky-high so it‘s unlikely we can go to all the concerts we wish we could go to…)

  ☆ What‘s your favorite type of TV show? Did you watch much TV when you were a kid?

  ☆What‘re your favorite outdoor activities?

  ☆What are the most important character traits for success? (self-discipline自制力,confidence信心, perseverance恒心, determination决心,optimism乐观,patience耐心,sincerity真诚……)

  ☆ Do you like travelling? Why?

  ☆ Do you like taking photos? Do you like to take photos outdoors or indoors? Is photography popular in China?

  ☆ If you visit another city, will you buy some postcards or take photos there?

  ☆What do you like to do in your free time / spare time? ☆ Do you think time management is important to our lives? (helps us to do things more efficiently / reduces our stress level / achieve more in less time)

  ☆ Why do some people keep pets?

  ☆ Why do people prefer to stay away from noise? (Noise distracts us from our work. When it‘s too loud it makes us really uncomfortable and upset.)

  ☆ What kind of song do you like best?

  ☆Do you like dancing? Have you learned how to dance? Why do so many young people like dancing today? Where do people dance in your country?

  Do you have a driving license? Do you prefer to be the driver or a passenger?

  ☆ What are the differences in men‘s and women’s favorite leisure activities? Who have more free time, men or women?

  ☆Do you wish to learn another foreign language? What‘s the most difficult thing in learning a foreign language?

  ☆ Do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with your family members or your friends? How do children celebrate their birthday in China? What age is the most valued age in China?

  ☆Do you think families should eat dinner together? (more communication between family members / better nutrition, especially for children / pleasant exchange of ideas during the meals) How often do you go to restaurants with your family members? Why are family and friends important to us?

  ☆ Do you prefer to relax at home or hang out with friends? What do you usually do when you‘re alone?

  ☆ What‘re your favorite wild animals?

  Do you have a mobile phone? Which is more important to us, a mobile phone or a fax machine?

  ☆ Do birds have any special meanings in China? (Day 7: Topic 19 ) Do you think it is important to protect birds?

  What kind of food is most popular in your country?

  ☆Is it easy for you to remember numbers? Do numbers have any special meanings in your country?

  ☆ Do you think science is important to our lives? Why? (Possible Answers: Physics helps us figure out how things work. / Chemistry shows us the structure of the world and how materials interact with each other. / Biology teaches us where living things come from and what living things need to survive…) ☆Which kind of technology are you most interested in? (biotech / digital technology / space technology/ AI or artificial intelligence…)

  Do you often do housework at home?

  Do you often make things by yourself? Is it important for kids to be skilled in handicrafts?

  ☆ Do you like making things by yourself? What did you make when you were a child? (http://familyfun.go.com/crafts/crafts-by-age/school-age-crafts/ 随便挑1-2种即可)

  ☆ What‘s your favorite food? What’s the most popular food in China?

  What’re your favorite public holidays? Are public holidays important to us? What do you do on public holidays?

  ☆ What was your favorite type of movie when you were a child? Do you still like this type of movie now? Do you prefer to watch movies in movie theaters/ cinemas or to watch DVDs at home?

  Do you often visit museums? Do you think museums are important to our lives? When was the last time you visited a museum? Is it a good idea for museums to sell goods to visitors? (A Sample Answer: It may be a nice idea if museums can‘t get enough funding and need extra money to support themselves. And some souvenirs sold at museum gift shops are neat! But museums won’t be able to serve visitors well if they simply focus on doing business.)


青岛新东方名师指导 雅思考试写作小作文该如何构思?

本文来自 家居装修知识网 青岛新东方名师2011年12月雅思口语预测 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-81267.html