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设计赋能2021 | Jad RAAD:无惧风云变幻 凝聚品质共享

https://m.biud.com.cn 2021年03月19日15:22 家居装修知识网  

设计赋能2021 | Jad RAAD:无惧风云变幻 凝聚品质共享





设计赋能2021 | Jad RAAD:无惧风云变幻 凝聚品质共享

  Jad RAAD,1978年出生于黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特,法国籍黎巴嫩裔建筑师、城市规划师,NETRM 的 MUSIP 项目主管。2007年获得黎巴嫩圣灵大学(USEK)建筑硕士学位,2010年毕业于韩国南部大学城市规划专业。之后Jad RAAD在黎巴嫩、韩国和中国从事建筑师和规划师工作,还是MENA (中东和北非)项目的国际运营经理,主要负责斗山和 Kettaneh 建筑。

  Jad RAAD还热爱新闻工作,一直在参与KBS(首尔-阿拉伯语新闻部-首尔全景节目2008-2011) ,卡塔尔 Al-Kaas 电视台(2010年2月的亚洲比赛) ,RT (2018-2019) ,Al-araby 电视台(2020-2021)和 BBC (2021) 等媒体平台的工作。Jad RAAD还作为嘉宾,参与了 BBC-AlHura-Alshark-DW-法国24-Extra news-v-AlmanarTV-alam 电视台的直播。


  A:这个问题的答案,总是随着世界与时代的变迁,而陷入永恒的变化之中。从几千年前的维特鲁威开始,到一百年前的勒 · 柯布西耶(托尼 · 瓜尼尔乌托邦) ,再到2021年新冠肺炎疫情的挑战,我认为这个问题的答案,首先来自于无论经历了怎样的风云变幻,城市管理的政治决策或制度都能够发挥应有的作用,并通过设计的能动性创造,将其战略转化为实践。

  通过这种方式,我们可以透过勒 · 柯布西耶、托尼 · 瓜尼尔等社会先驱与麦肯锡等商业政治家之间的冲突与差异,窥探纷繁复杂、激荡不息的金融、政治和社会现象与风潮,并在这些因素真正的影响下,形成日趋成熟的战略观点。这是设计对国家、社会和人类的价值与能量,同时也是美学领域和维特鲁威的原则。


  This question is always in a perpetual movement. Starting from Vitruvius a few thousand years ago, all the way to Le Corbusier almost a hundred years ago (with Tony Guarnier utopia), until 2021 with COVID19 challenge. I believe that answer is coming on first as the political decision or system managing the city, and then the design can translate its strategy to practice. 

  In this way, we can see the difference between social pioneers such as Le Corbusier and Tony Guarnier comparing to some commercial politicians such as mckinsey.com. People can see the real impact when they have a strategic view (be it financial, political or social). That is the fundamental resource for design together with aesthetic field and Vitruvius principles. 

  A designer cannot make the city healthy and safe from COVID19 if the national government does not hold a serious plan. McKinsey plans cannot lead to democracy and right living conditions if the government allows business people to absorb all citizens' money the same as a sponge. So design is just a tool that architects and or urban planners can use by objective professional methods to translate a strategic plan and view from politics to daily social life.




  In the future same as in the past, it is a pure reflection of cultural identity. So it is a heritage than we can develop in the right manner when we have enough knowledge (including design) as well enough power. Those are two hands which cannot work one without the other.

  So design will affect how the designer, as a player and sometimes partner with decision-maker, can manage this heritage almost the same way as a lawyer can't handle the heritage until a minor has 18 years of age. Design is the system of tools, that designer can lead by objective method and dialectic problematic assuring the good. Benefits are shared with society and nations on an individual level (when a user in his house as a single), on a family level, on a small community (limited with the geographic location of the user residence or working network, etc.), on large society (hometown and or city), on national and regional levels (up to the social and political decision-makers plan).


聚焦设计思考 赋能城市未来


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本文来自 家居装修知识网 设计赋能2021 | Jad RAAD:无惧风云变幻 凝聚品质共享 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-815391.html