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NEWS / ARIZON乾正设计荣获OPAL伦敦杰出地产奖

https://m.biud.com.cn 2022年12月27日20:38 家居装修知识网  

  2022年12月16日,Outstanding Property Award London伦敦杰出地产奖(OPAL)公布本年度获奖名单,ARIZON乾正设计参赛作品Yatai New Dynamic 亚泰新动力,荣膺2022 OPAL伦敦杰出地产奖-购物中心类别-室内设计-Winner。



  关于 London Outstanding Property Award-伦敦杰出地产大奖(OPAL)

  伦敦杰出地产奖 Outstanding Property Award London(OPAL)由全球驰名的Farmani Group创立,旨在表彰和奖励在地产开发、建筑设计和室内设计领域做出卓越贡献的全球人才,同时藉此甄选出在地产开发领域中极具特色的创意以及杰出的工艺,让行业专家和人才在此舞台大放异彩。

  About Designer关于设计师


  ARIZON乾正设计 | 创始人兼主设计师Founder and Chief Designer


  The space he hopes to build is the coexistence of human and environment, He appreciates developing ECO-FASHION style commercial projects under the ideology of HUMAN-NATURE MUTUALISM COEXISTENCE. Endow the space with super inclusiveness, making the whole building and business ecology grow freely, bringing a life style that influences the life circle beyond.


  He holds firm faith that only the perfect combination of advanced business management brains and architecture spatial design can create successful commercial projects. He adheres to the mission of "design driven business future" and the persistence of fully exploring the potential of architectural aesthetics, and creates space into a creative field, bringing heartfelt touches to people.


  He thinks fashion is an infra-mince imagery of virtual reflection, however a vital architecture space can absorb wits from the nature, Through the perfect combination of avant-garde artistic expressions and "eco-fashion" aesthetic idea,Target the consistent construction of awakening and unprecedented spatial experiences.

  ·About ARIZON DESIGN乾正设计


  Arizon Design was founded in 2008 by architect Mr. Junwei Shen. Specialized in providing architectural design, interior design, overall planning and consulting services for commercial spaces including boutique shopping centers and commercial complexes.With practical projects earning numerous international professional awards, Arizon Design is one of the most prominent and professional leading design institutions in the field of boutique shopping centers and commercial complexes.


  Arizon Design, born from the metaphoric meaning in “Lively the energy of universe, where the resource of all is yielded and everything starts” (from I Ching), fabricates architecture space that possesses adaptive vitality and that can endure changes by investing infinite creativity and inspiration, looming ECO-FASHION aesthetics in architecture space. DESIGN DRIVES THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS as the mission, assist customers in attaining a growing business value!

本文来自 家居装修知识网 NEWS / ARIZON乾正设计荣获OPAL伦敦杰出地产奖 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-882177.html