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https://m.biud.com.cn 2014年04月17日14:55 家居装修知识网  



  One of the things I love about living in the south is its gracious hospitality. People are friendly and entertaining is a way of life.  I love that visitors arrive with a bottle of wine or a hostess gift and depart with much more.  Although I admit I’m still a novice, entertaining is in my blood and has become one of my favorite activities.  Every time I throw a party I learn something—like you always need more ice than you think!




  The beauty of Biltmore is that it’s so much more than it appears. Certainly, it’s a grand chateau nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. But it’s more than just an architectural wonder—it’s a legacy of gracious hospitality, a working estate with over 100 years of history, and a family home kept alive today by the descendants of George and Edith Vanderbilt。

  Biltmore的美远超她华丽的外在,更多是内在美的浸润散发。她是座落于蓝岭脉上,享尽天赐风光宏伟庄园。在George and Edith Vanderbilt家族的精心呵护经营下,Biltmore的美跨世长存,超越了建筑奇观的范畴,亦使这座超过百年历史仍惊艳于世的庄园成为了热情好客的代名词。



  As her heels clicked on the polished marble floor of the foyer, she could hear the tires turning the gravel as her visitors made their way to the main entrance of her house. She quietly opened the door and smiled. She wanted them to know she could handle this, she could open the door herself, she could be independent. She was determined to prove that she could stand among the men. As she welcomed 15 top financial leaders into her home, she recognized all the challenges that lay ahead. As they found their seats and sipped their tea, Edith Vanderbilt took a deep breath and for the first time took on the finances of Biltmore, as the lady of the house。

  优雅的高跟鞋轻叩明亮的大理石地板,她倚立倾听随着客人到来而滚轮旋转大门打开的声音。她总能面带微笑、冷静独立的处事,无论是简单如此的开门迎宾还是面对周遭繁杂的公事家务。她决心要证明自己可以如男人一般支撑这个伟大的家族。面对家族存在的财务问题时,她当机立断地请来15位顶级金融专家共商对策。群策群力的支持让Edith Vanderbilt,这位Biltmore的女主人,首次担起整个庄园的财政大任。在她的不懈努力细心经营下,庄园发展蒸蒸日上。是她,奠定了Biltmore辉煌至今的基础,而Biltmore也成为了她的心血与精神的图腾。



  One of the things that makes Biltmore so amazing is its unique vision for gracious living and hospitality. Nowhere else in the world can you find a destination—and a brand—that better exemplifies the vision of its founder. George Vanderbilt wanted to create an escape from everyday life, an inspiring oasis of architectural and landscape beauty tucked in the scenic mountains of Asheville. And his dream lives on today。

  若要问是什么使得Biltmore如此这般予人华丽惊艳,那答案必定是Biltmore发现至臻高雅生活的独特方式与视角。世界上没有任何一个地方,或者一个品牌能够像Biltmore那样完美诠释“缔造者”一词,George Vanderbilt致力于打造一个远离世俗纷扰的人间天堂,并孕育一方以建筑和景观之美启迪艺术家发现Asheville山脉之美的绿洲。岁月流逝,他的梦想也一直寄托于Biltmore庄园并延续到现在。

  So when it came time to partner with a furniture manufacturer, it’s no surprise Biltmore chose Fine Furniture Design—a company that shares its vision for quality and integrity. The two companies have the same core values and a commitment to preserving Biltmore’s heritage. Fine Furniture Design is a leading resource for stylish furnishings that deliver superior quality, price, and craftsmanship。


  The teams at Biltmore and Fine Furniture Design have worked together to produce a collection that is unlike anything that has been done before. The group is inspired by the unique furniture, architecture, art, and design elements found throughout Biltmore—and yet is scaled for today’s lifestyles. Exceptionally stylish, these are pieces that mix easily with existing furnishings or can be combined to create entire rooms。


  This new Biltmore collection includes pieces hand-crafted from premium woods such as random-matched rustic cherry, okume swirl veneers, and cluster oak. Exotic veneers, hand–painted items and metal elements add visual interest to the more than 70+ pieces in the collection while styles range from updated European traditional to relaxed American casual。

  诸多Biltmore系列新品皆由高档木材如random-matched rustic cherry, okume swirl veneers, and cluster oak等,经过一流匠师纯手工打造而成。超过70件的新品均以异国情调的贴面,辅以技法高超的手绘品和现代感的金属元素增添家具的视觉吸引力、冲击力,使得系列家具风格在融合传统化的欧式当代复古风格后革新蜕变为出更完满的美式休闲田园风格。

  Fine Furniture Design has created a home furnishings collection that captures George and Edith Vanderbilt’s comfortable approach to gracious living and hospitality. Grounded in beauty and refinement, the spirit of Biltmore is reflected in every stylish detail and exquisite element. They’re furnishings designed for today’s families, and tomorrow’s。

  由FINE精制家具精心打造出的Biltmore新品系列不仅完美体现了伟大庄园建造者George 和他的爱妻Edith 对精致高雅生活的至高品位与无限追求,也展现出美国南部所特有的热情好客。在融合了百年的艺术美感和精致的设计打造后,Biltmore的极致品质体现在了新品家具每一个细节刻画和精致的元素搭配中,使这系列拥有历久弥新美感的家具臻品,更好地服务当代于每一个高尚睿智家庭。



  When it comes to creating beautiful bedrooms, I say go all out. It may not be the room you spend the most time in, but it’s the one you see first thing in the morning and last before you go to sleep. So in my mind, bedrooms should be as attractive as they are functional。


  The Biltmore Panel Sleigh Bed is particularly captivating. Crafted of rich, warm woods it is full of style and timeless appeal.  Its silhouette has an updated traditional feel, while its detailing distinguishes it as a true work of art.  Dress it with soft, stunning linens and your room is nearly complete。

  我们协同合作,汲取庄园内艺术和设计的精华,完成了拥有丰富功能并又设计独特、美观迷人的Biltmore Panel Sleigh。以厚重、充满暖意的木质精雕细琢而成这一床款充满了设计感与隽永的吸引力,让她的轮廓中渗透出一种创新的古典美感,展示出如艺术品般的美以及强大家居实用功能。当你睡卧于这个柔软舒适床单精心铺设的床中时,你会感觉这就是你一直在追寻的卧室梦想。



  My idea of the perfect dining room set is one that makes you want to sit and stay awhile. Sure, it should be beautiful and fit your décor style and room size. But comfort cannot be underestimated, particularly when it comes to the dining room。


  That’s what attracted me to the Hunt Club Square Dining Table. In addition to being beautiful, it has a unique square shape that makes it easy to see everyone. And it’s versatile: with leaves that extend the table to an impressive 72 inches square. That’s six feet on every side—perfect for entertaining and family gatherings。

  这就是Hunt Club方形餐桌最吸引我的地方。除却优雅美丽的造型,独特的方形弧度让所有用餐者都能够彼此面对面进行亲切的交流。其次,它的功能性也让人惊叹。拥有可延展的边缘,完全打开后整桌面积可达到72平方英寸,即每边都约有6英尺长,足以满足大部分家庭聚会、休闲会谈所需。


FINE精制家具CEOJim Adams:Biltmore将畅销市场
对话人物:“FINE精制家具”美国首席执行官 Jim Adams
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本文来自 家居装修知识网 FINE精制家具美国设计之旅 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-359952.html