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对话人物:“FINE精制家具”美国首席执行官 Jim Adams

https://m.biud.com.cn 2014年04月17日23:41 家居装修知识网  

  Jim Adams曾任美国家具制造商协会(AFMA)副主席,美国家居用品联合会(AHFA)理事会成员,2001年被美国《今日家具》杂志评为25年来最重要的业界领袖之一。他热爱并以毕生精力献给美国家具业,其丰富的经验及出色的领导能力使其在产品研发及营销等领域获得巨大成功。自2007年加入“FINE精制家具”,Jim Adams始终致力于开发设计感更强、更时尚、更符合市场需求的完整套系产品,其中包括已在美国市场获得极高评价的最新系列Biltmore。

“FINE精制家具”美国首席执行官 Jim Adams
“FINE精制家具”美国首席执行官 Jim Adams

  Q1: Could you please give a brief intro to this new series?

  A1: Biltmore by Fine Furniture Design is our first licensed collection ever. We signed on because we felt that the house had so many unique characteristics that we could interpret into popular pieces that would retail well today. We also felt that the brand Biltmore is a prestigious name in consumer products and that we could do well wit a line named after the Biltmore brand。


  Q2: Please talk about the market feedback of Biltmore。

  A2: Biltmore was our best sell-in in a quite a long time in the USA. We were able to sell many of our existing dealers as well as new dealers we had not sold in many years. The brand name had a great deal to do with this, plus the unique products we designed as a part of the collection. 


  Q3:Do you think the design style of Biltmore will be well accepted and liked by Chinese customers?

  A3: Yes, I do have positive comments about that prospect. The furniture is grand like the Biltmore House and there are many eclectic items that can fit well into the more sophisticated but yet traditional home decor in China, so it should do well there. 



对话人物:“FINE精制家具”美国首席执行官 Jim Adams
FINE精制家具CEOJim Adams:Biltmore将畅销市场
FINE精制家具美国新展厅 蓄势“高点”新辉煌

本文来自 家居装修知识网 对话人物:“FINE精制家具”美国首席执行官 Jim Adams https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-360215.html