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UNO8A设计 意大利乡村谷仓华丽转身摄影工作室

https://m.biud.com.cn 2017年03月28日11:00 家居装修知识网  



An old barn in the Italian countryside becomes a professional workspace for a photographer. This is a place of many stories. The story of an inner territory, between a middle city and a river, a story about agriculture and handwork, but, mainly, this is the story of a family. A family whose work, life and past are strongly bonded with those bricks buildings. Today, they decide to begin a new cycle and provide new sense and life to these particular spaces transforming the former barn in a professional workspace for a photographer.


该项目基于新与旧,传统与现代结合的理念,突出了原建筑的特点。改造的目的是最大限度的发挥现有的空间,将面宽7,00 mt,进深21,00 mt的广阔空间进行转化。

This is a project based on a mix between memory and new, tradition and contemporary, pointing out the peculiarities of the original building. The intervention aims to maximize the existing space: a vast area (7,00 mt width, 21,00 mt length) conceived as the starting point for a complete conversion.


 ▲室内布局在保证建筑原本面貌的情况下创造出一个相互联系的开放的空间,to keep the uniqueness of the internal space only adding some basic devices for the studio


The initial idea was to keep the uniqueness of the internal space only adding some basic devices for the studio: a ‘box’ for the private office of the owners, the ordinaries facilities (a little kitchen and a bathroom), an entrance in the middle as reception area and waiting room and, finally, a ‘as large as possible’ cyclorama.


 ▲室内插入了一个方盒子作为办公空间,可以通过拉门将空间封闭,a ‘box’ for the private office of the owners


  ▲舒适的蓝色小办公室,采用了蓝绿色层压板,the office is totally bespoken with blue-green laminated panels


All the added materials were chosen with a specific purpose. The office box is composed by polycarbonate panels giving a sense of intimacy and lightness. The library and the kitchen are totally bespoken with blue-green laminated panels contrasting the red brick of the existing walls.


 ▲同样采用了蓝绿色层压板的厨房,the kitchen also uses blue-green laminated panels


All these spaces require autonomy and flexibility, structure and character, but have to combine their manners with the strong nature of the old artefact. Indeed, the choice was to maintain everything that was already there, exactly the way it was. We worked on the spatiality to create a sense of clarity and functionality. We want a continuous and almost boundless space, a shifting and fluid studio able to change according to different activities and needs (photoshoots, workshops, lessons, parties and so on).


 ▲插入的体块在旧建筑中是独立的,新与旧直接发生对话,intervention in the building is independent that made a dialogue between the old and new


 ▲蓝绿色层压板与建筑本身的红色砖墙形成强烈的对比,blue-green laminated panels contrasting the red brick of the existing walls


 ▲保留了屋顶的原始结构,the original structure of the roof was kept


 ▲在不破坏原本结构的情况下增设新功能,new features be added without destroying the original structures


Technically speaking, we adapt the roof whit an appropriate thermal insulation system, close the big six arched openings with glass windows and provide the studio with an underfloor heating and an air cooling system. We create a new opening in the north blank wall to allow the view of the cultivated fields. The external stair that connects the ground floor with the office level is realized in galvanized iron and derives its general design by the forms and the equipment of the agricultural context. 


 ▲连接办公室与一层的外部楼梯,the external stair that connects the ground floor with the office level


location: Alessandria
IT years: 2016/2017
program: private studio
scala: 140 sqm
status: completed
photos: Paolo Bernardotti Studio 


UNO8A设计 意大利乡村谷仓华丽转身摄影工作室
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本文来自 家居装修知识网 UNO8A设计 意大利乡村谷仓华丽转身摄影工作室 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-665744.html