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万科广州棠下泊寓 / 土木石建筑 + 佰邦建筑

https://m.biud.com.cn 2017年03月28日11:17 家居装修知识网  

项目由起 Background


Port-apartment, produced by Vanke Real Estate, is a well-known brand in Long rental apartment market in China. This product provides well-equipment rental space and the integration of community services for young people. Normally, convenient traffic, handy facilities, and low renovation cost are the three key points for port-apartment. The project is the ideal place to make an experiment, which is renovated by six old factory buildings in Guangzhou Tangxia Village.

▼ 棠下泊寓鸟瞰,位于广州棠下城中村内。Aerial view, Port apartment locates in Guangzhou Tangxia village.

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-1

▼  改造前街道外观,厂房庞大的尺度在街道上清晰可辨。Street view before renovation, large Scale of factory building is easy to recognize. / 改造前公共交通走廊,六栋厂房依次排列。Public corridor before renovation, six buildings array orderly.

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-16   Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-17

与旧为新 New with the old



Design concept sums up 'new with the old'. Based on respecting the value of old building, it means new architecture comes from combining the old with new. the old means that we persist valuable part of old building, the new shows how new programs intervene to whole one.

Tangxia project is consisted by six same height old factory buildings which are arranged orderly. Considering overall functional layout of the building, ground floor of the first building, connecting the south side of the street, is used for commercial space. Ground floor of the second building and the gap between the first and second building, are used for the public space which can provide counseling, coffee, fitness, video, meeting and other services for young tenants. Vertical traffic of each building follows original staircase at both ends of the building. Original South Corridor of each floor are moved to the middle. Hence, new corridor cut the original space into two parts, which are transferred to the apartment units with short depth. Considering the modulus of original concrete frame structure, apartment unit is a box space which length, width and height is 5.1, 2.5 and 4.5 meters. In the box unit, bottom is a living room that has installed kitchen, storage and balcony. The upper part is the bedroom, which is connected by a small ladder.

▼ 总体轴侧拆分图,新与旧的关系能够清晰的反映出来。Exploded axonometric view, the relationship between new and old is visible.


街面 Street side


At first, we concern that appearance of Port-apartment has a contrast view with the existing streetscape. Therefore, dark gray aluminum curtain wall, which as a backdrop for the shop signs, are used to unify the entire facade at the bottom of the first building. Above ground floor, original granitic plaster still remains on the south side of veranda. On vertical side, new partition wall is painted with bright colors randomly, and outdoor air conditioner machine is hidden by white perforated aluminum plate. due to new white plate and original plaster line, three kinds of jumping colors look vivid and fashion in street space.

▼ 西南侧街道外观,色彩与光影提升了街道景观的活力。The facade of southwest side street, color enhance the vitality of street landscape.

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-3

▼ 街景局部,分户墙的色彩是立面的活跃因素。Street scene detail, color of the partition wall is an active factor.

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-6

公共交通走廊 Public transport corridor


Public transport corridor on west side of whole project is not only the traffic space of each building, but also the only important spatial node that can show the whole. So west side bottom wall, surfacing with dark gray aluminum curtain, unifies six buildings into a whole. The slightly upturns eaves, forms one meter deep overhangs. It built a street-like interface with the renovated guard room at the other side. both of them implies the human scale for the traffic space. There are two functions of the opening on the lower part cornice. One is for amplifying apartment entrance, which is emphasized through different color glazing. the other is called Street window. It not only provides position to poster community information, but also acts as an active element, enrich landscape of public transport corridor. The upper facade is basically retain original granitic plaster wall. To solve the problem of rain water, original open staircase is enclosed with different colored glazing.

▼ 公共交通走廊,下部出挑的檐口暗示了街道的尺度,上部的色彩标示了每栋楼的个性。Public transport corridor, lower cornice implies the street scale, the upper part of the color marks each building identity.

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-7

▼ 公共交通走廊局部,原有的开敞楼梯被彩釉玻璃幕墙封闭,以解决飘雨问题。 Public transport corridor detail , original open staircase is enclosed by different colored glazed glass, in order to deal with rain problems.

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-9

屋面 Roof


Roofs of six buildings are connected by the steel structure bridge, which can integrate separated public space together. In the east end of roof, we proposed a scene viewing box to emphasize west view. The public kitchen and laundry are proposed on the roof. furniture and recreational landscape are combined together, which value the efficiency of roof. One of the focal point is the precast concrete, which can be organized by program. The cozy atmosphere become more reinforced because of those furniture.

▼ 新加的钢制天桥让原本各自为政的屋面形成一个便利的整体空间。The steel structure bridge integrate separated public space together

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-11

▼ 屋面景观夜景,混凝土预制块制作的城市家俱,可通过自由组合实现不同的使用功能Night scene of roof landscape, urban furniture made by precast concrete block, can achieved

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-12

更新的意义 Renewal significance


Tangxia Port-apartment, which is renovated from factory building , is currently the largest youth long rent apartment in Guangzhou. There are nearly 600 sets of rooms. after a short wane, More than 95% occupancy rate proved that this six buildings have a new nirvana.

▼ 垂直交通沿用东西两端的原有楼梯。Vertical traffic of each building follows original staircase at both ends of the building.

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-10

▼ 居住单元,下部是动区,上部是睡眠区。In apartment unit, the bottom is living space and the upper is for sleeping.

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-14

▼ 平面图,Plan

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-21

▼ 单元内部设计,The apartment unit

Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-23   Tangxia Vanke Port-apartment by Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects-22



面 积:11,000平方米



业 主:广州万科房地产有限公司




设计团队: (业主项目负责)程国炎(建筑景观) 伍俊名(室内)

(建筑)杨期力,白岩,巴桂江, 李放,王栋,张文,马丽娜,陈浩榕

(景观)崔荣峻 李中伟 钟慧城 林楠 蓝皓 宋妃敏



Project name: Tangxia Port-apartment

Location: Tangxia village, Guangzhou

Building area: 11,000㎡

Design period: 03/2016-06/2016

Construction period: 03/2016-10/2016

Client: Guangzhou Vanke Real Estate Co., Ltd.

Architectural design: Tumushi Architects + PBA Architects

Landscape design: Lab D+H

Interior design: Ze Chen Design

Design team:

(Client manager) Guoyan Cheng, Junming Wu

(Architecture) Qili Yang, Yan Bai, Guijiang Ba, Fang Li, Dong Wang, Wen Zhang, Lina Ma, Haorong Chen.

(Landscape) YoungJoon Choi, Zhongwei Li, Huicheng Zhong, Nan Lin, Hao Lan, Feimin Song.

(Interior) Xinquan Zeng, Yuting Liang, Chang chen, Junyi Liang

Architectural Photography: ZC Photography Studio


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本文来自 家居装修知识网 万科广州棠下泊寓 / 土木石建筑 + 佰邦建筑 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-665751.html