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https://m.biud.com.cn 2017年08月30日18:19 家居装修知识网  

  8月25日, 【GANI IN THE WORLD· THAILAND】延续2016年在世界最高楼迪拜哈利法塔阿玛尼酒店全球设计师活动影响力,泰国站为简一2017年继意大利、美国、俄罗斯、孟加拉、缅甸后,又一大理石艺术和设计盛会。2017简一全球设计师活动(音乐酒会)泰国站在曼谷万豪侯爵酒店——亚太地区最大万豪酒店完满举办!该酒店卫生间、会议区域、公共区域大面积使用简一大理石瓷砖产品,为继JW万豪侯爵后简一与万豪酒店合作又一项目。

  AUGUST 25TH, 2017 BANGKOK, THAILAND - GANI IN THE WORLD 2017 THAILAND DESIGNERS EVENT (Party & Concert) drew to a successful close on August 25 evening at Bangkok Marriott Marquis Hotel - the biggest Marriott hotel in Asia Pacific. GANI IN THE WORLD 2017 THAILAND is another unique marble art and design event after touring Italy, the United States, Russia, Bangladesh, Myanmar.

  简一大理石瓷砖国际营销中心陈梅女士,首席设计师Stefano Trovato先生,简一泰国合作方Boonthavorn首席执行官Sitthisak先生,及来自泰国本地及亚太地区400+知名设计师、简一亚太地区合作伙伴等出席本场大理石瓷砖与音乐酒会。

  Ms. May Chen, General Manager of International Marketing Dept. of GANI MARBLE TILES; Mr. Stefano Trovato, the Chief Designer of GANI MARBLE TILES; and Mr. SitthisakJane, CEO of Boonthavorn and GANI’s Partner in Thailand, together with more than 400 well-known designers from Thailand and the Asia Pacific region, and Gani’s cooperative partners have attended the event.


  Origin ·The Art of Nature


  GANI MARBLE TILES always adheres to protecting the world’s rare stone for years, guiding and promoting the applications of marble effect in the high-end decoration. GANI MARBLE TILES is committed to recovering the beauty of natural marble with artisan spirit with the most advanced production technology, offering high-end marble tiles to the people who are in the pursuit of high quality.

  在晚会现场,简一展示了优质产品和丰富设计效果,其中包括第9代新产品,3D对纹通体等技术,到场公司包括亚太地区建筑设计师所N7A,PIA, Property Perfect,P49,和The Mall Group等,均对简一大理石瓷砖设计、性能和应用赞不绝口,更是惊艳于简一产品完整的色系和多样的尺寸搭配能极大地满足设计需求。

  GANI demonstrated its high-quality products and design effects at the party, including the new products of 9th generation, full body tiles in 3D technology. Architectural and design companies from the Asian-Pacific region, such as N7A, PIA, Property Perfect, P49 and The Mall Group, marveled at the design, performance and application of GANI MARBLE TILES, as well as the various color and dimensions, which can sufficiently enough to meet the design requirements.

  简一首席设计师Stefano Trovato先生向在场设计师分享最新大理石瓷砖设计应用;泰国建材巨头Boonthavorn公司首席执行官Sitthisak先生感谢简一在亚太地区大理石瓷砖行业发展所做的努力及其深远的设计影响力。晚会邀请到泰国知名歌手Joey Boy助阵,更把现场气氛推到了最高点!

  Mr. Stefano Trovato, Chief Designer of GANI MARBLE TILES, introduced the design application of the latest marble tiles to present designers; Mr. Sitthisak, CEO of Boonthavorn -Thai building materials tycoon, expressed gratitude to GANI for its efforts in the development of the marble tile industry in the Asia Pacific region and its far-reaching design influence. The Cheerful and melodious music played by Thailand's famous singer Joey Boy has taken the concert all the way to the climax.

  9月“福利”预告,“GANI IN THE WORLD全球设计师活动”将带大家来到美国加州和意大利博洛尼亚,敬请期待!


  GANI IN THE WORLD DESIGNERS EVENT will take you to California, United States and Bologna, Italy. Please stay tuned.

  简一大理石瓷砖全线产品强势登录全球最负盛名设计目录Interior Design-productFIND

  For the full range of GANI MARBLE TILES, please log in to the world's most prestigious design directory: Interior Design-ProductFIND

  2017年简一品牌国际影响力再升级!受世界顶级设计媒体Interior Design青睐,成为首个上线全球设计目录ProductFIND的中国品牌。

  International influence of 2017 GANI brand keeps extending! It garners attention from the world's top design media - Interior Design, becoming the first Chinese brand of on-line global design directory ProductFIND.

  【登录方式】输入 GANI,让我们一起体验全球顶级设计目录的魅力!

  【Login】 Enter GANI, let us experience the charm of the world's top design directory!



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本文来自 家居装修知识网 大理石瓷砖与音乐更配噢!简一全球设计师活动泰国站完满举办! https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-682441.html