Davide Conti(大卫·康迪),意大利室内设计师,Davide Conti Design Studio创始人兼设计总监
That's very important question right now, and in my opinion the cities will change a lot especially the big city. We will have a great change in international city and unfortunately the feeling will be less unique, we are going in a standardized system with similar process for security, similar service, similar check system and so on. That's will help the people travel around the world as tourists business.
Certainly to make city more protect, and to travel in security will be good but we will risk to lost identity and creativity in every big city, to avoid that the designer have the challenge to help to create new corner, new original ideas and with architect work on the restoration of old building and areas. That's for big international city, and for small city or village there will be the chance to grow in quality as internal service but also to avoid people escape from the village.
So I see in the future 2 way, to travel and live in big standard city, or to live and enjoy small city in the world or village. Designers in both case they will have the opportunity to answer new challenge and create new way and new service for the people, but of course the government must pay attention to this change and trust designer to operate. Designer it's a problem solver, and with research he can make things improve for the quality of life of people and a better life.
That's question follow the answer of the previously one. People in the city will have more standard rules and people in small village will keep their life more simple and free but both of them will change a little bit the habits.
In big city people will protect themselves everywhere, and join friends in bar or at home for party for example will be possible but with more restrictions. In the small city people will maintain more the easy way and a simple lifestyle of course.
To help people keep their lifestyle in any place designers should study and research how people change and than create new space, new products, new ideas to found always better and better way to be together, to enjoy and relax. People will be more and more stressed for worldwide problems, for the International crisis, and local problems they will have, so to avoid much problem, the challenge of designers will be hard but very interesting because they will have the chance to design something different and make the people living more sustainable and less chaotic.
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