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2012北京国际设计周 钟华珠宝设计展

https://m.biud.com.cn 2012年11月21日22:00 家居装修知识网  
2012北京国际设计周 钟华珠宝设计展
2012北京国际设计周 钟华珠宝设计展


  As an artist and jewelry designer, Zhonghua is educated at Central St. Martins, London College of Fashion in England, and she received an MA with distinction from Sir John Cass Department of art, Media and Design, London Metropolitan University in 2006. After graduation, she worked with several cutting-edge designers in London. She is co-founder of the dEEP, an independent art and architecture design studio. She has lectured and exhibited in Italy, Germany, UK and China.As the Art Director, Zhonghua worked in

  TRENDS TIME in 2008; the year after, she founded the new magazine DAZZLE in Beijing.Zhonghua has been teaching at the Jewelry design studio of Central Academy of Fine Arts since 2007. Now she lives and works in Beijing.

  钟华,敦城市大学珠宝设计专业的研究生课程并取得硕士学位(MA in Jewelry design),伦敦当代珠宝协会会员,英国工艺设计协会会员。北京中央美术学院任客座教师, 独立珠宝设计师。


  2006年其珠宝设计作品入选伦敦毕业生成果展,伦敦U2美术馆,同年作品“MO_ Neck adornment”被London美术馆Contemporary Cosa Gallery收藏;2007年在北京艺术区798 北京空间美术馆举行个人作品展 -“伸展运动”钟华首饰设计展,2007年 7月英国V&A 博物馆Selling Show并参与英国Candid Gallery当代珠宝首饰展;同年钟华被视觉中国评选为“视觉100”新锐设计师。作品“MO_Necklace”入选由伦敦当代珠宝协会会长Amanda Manse主编的《Contemporary Jewellery》(当代首饰);目前正在编辑专著《The Emerging Jewellery designer》(当代新锐首饰设计师)将于2009年底以中英双语出版发行。2010年创办钟华珠宝高级定制工作室至今。



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本文来自 家居装修知识网 2012北京国际设计周 钟华珠宝设计展 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-186225.html