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2012北京国际设计周 AIM国际建筑设计竞赛

https://m.biud.com.cn 2012年11月21日22:55 家居装修知识网  
AIM(Architect In Mission)国际建筑设计竞赛
AIM(Architect In Mission)国际建筑设计竞赛

  项目:AIM(Architect In Mission)国际建筑设计竞赛



  简介: AIM 竞赛始于 2010 年的中国北京,是由一群拥有激情和活力的中外建筑师发起的年度国际性建筑设计竞赛。旨在青年建筑师中推广高品质建筑设计,提升青年设计师使命感,挖掘优秀设计人才。


  第一届竞赛主题为“文化注入→ 设计北京CBD最后一个老厂区”,参赛者通过建筑干预,对尚8这种身处CBD的文化型建筑进行物理上的或概念上的改进,使其以某种形式和日益发展的CBD共同进步,扮演好一个文化载体的角色。第二届竞赛提出“绿色转化”的口号,对首钢这个北京城市发展两极中的一极实施“绿色转化”,使其即有别于北京东部的CBD,又在城市良性发展上承担起同样的比重,实现一商一文,南北呼应。2012第三届竞赛将目光投到中国的东大门——嵊泗列岛。在那里千百年来的渔村岛民文化积淀及独特的生产生活方式,在现代社会发展的进程下已经成为不可再生的文化资源。如何在协助当地居民与现代生活接轨的前提下,保护原生态自然与居住景观,引导村落透过可持续发展的度假产业向经济多元化发展,成为关注的焦点。



  Architects In Mission (AIM) International Design Competition
Organization: AIM competition committee

  Brief Information:

  AIM Competition is organized by AIM competition committee, supported by Zeybekoglu and Associates (ZNA). The goal of the annual competition is to promote high quality design among architecture students and young professionals, instill a strong sense of social responsibility, and provide a stage for them to demonstrate their design gifts and abilities.

  The topic of 2010 is “Cultural Infusion → Design the Last Factory Block in Beijing's CBD”, participants are asked to come up with strategies and mechanisms that will improve Cable 8, making it more susceptible to the rapidly changing urban landscape, and perform better as a cultural carrier that helps to diversify the otherwise homogeneous nature of the CBD area. 2011 AIM invites participants to implement Green Transformation to the Shougang Group, the yin of dialectics of Beijing’s urban development. It shall be different from the CBD in eastern Beijing, but play an equally as significant role in making Beijing a healthy, balanced, and attractive city. It shall become a “Central Recreation District”, differentiated from the Central Business District. 2012 AIM have set our sights upon the eastern gate of China: Shengsi Islands.Over the course of this society’s development, the unique fishing village, its products, and its lifestyle, represent a cultural resource that cannot be replicated. With the premise of helping the local population of the Shengsi Islands integrate into modern life, how can the ecology and residential environment of this archipelago be protected? Guiding the island villages toward a diversified economy through sustainable tourism development is our primary focus.




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本文来自 家居装修知识网 2012北京国际设计周 AIM国际建筑设计竞赛 https://m.biud.com.cn/news-view-id-186272.html